(no subject)

Feb 04, 2006 10:26

After you die...
Unstuck in Time

After death, you will become unstuck in time, and re-live various moments of your life. Time will cease to exist. One moment you will be learning to catch butterflies, the next you will be using your walker to go to the bathroom. You will live on forever in this way, constantly reliving the sweetest and not so sweetest of moments.

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Heroic Courage: You are a very brave person who

puts others before yourself, believes in

helping those in need. People would consider

you noble and caring, and someone to always

count on.

Which Characteristic From the Samurai Code Matches You Best? (You may find out your best trait)
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You were suspected of witch craft and burnt to

death. You have a hard time trusting people

or making friends with them because people

have a hard time accepting you. You would

like to be accepted and appreciated.

How did you die in your past life? (for everyone)
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Synopsis: Most people have performed this at some

point in their lives, but it's the people who

constantly don't allow their wounds to heal

who are considered to

"self-mutilate". These people are

often very detail-oriented and notice the

slightest changes in their environment. They

likely also are an excellent judge of

Positive trait: Observant
Negative trait: Judgemental
Color: Black
Emotion: Anti-social
Animal: Wolf
Quote: "Stars, hide your fires; let not light

see my black and deep desires."

What form of self-mutilation are you?
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