Aug 27, 2008 23:20
1. Sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
either the military channel or the history channel or some stupid movie on Starz
2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does s/he get on her/his salad?
he always gets a cesear
3. What's one food s/he doesn't like?
lamb (can you frikkin believe that?)
4. You go out to the bar. What does s/he order?
5. Where did s/he go to high school?
East Mecklinburg in Charlotte, NC
6. What size shoe does s/he wear?
I honestly have no idea
7. If s/he was to collect anything, what would it be?
8. What is her/his favorite type of sandwich?
something with a lot of meat and cheese
9. What would this person eat every day if s/he could?
10. What is her/his favorite cereal?
cream of wheat
11. What would s/he never wear?
mismatching belt and shoes
12. What is her/his favorite sports team?
he doesn't really care about sports, but he's an Alabama football fan by proxy
13. Who will s/he vote for?
mccain (yes, my husband is a republican. I have yet to manage to beat it out of him.)
14. Who is her/his best friend?
other than me, Joseph
15. What is something you do that s/he wishes you wouldn't do?
put my cold feet on him in the winter
16. How many states has s/he lived in?
17. What is her/his heritage?
italian and dutch
18. You bake her/him a cake for her/his birthday; what kind of cake?
german chocolate
19. Did s/he play sports in high school?
just about all of them
20. What could s/he spend hours doing?
playing WWII online