I was so nervous for him this morning. Erik and I were up at 7, but he slept until 7:30. Then Jason came in and said everyone was out waiting for the bus already and he freaked, wanting to get on the bus. Cue the mad dash around the house to get him dressed, his backpack loaded and all that. We opened the door just in time to see all the parents going home and the bus turning the corner.
That was FINE with me. I had planned all along to drive him, because that makes it easy for me to just go on to the park and exercise. It also meant that I was able to make him breakfast, and he had time to eat it. We are in the middle of the bus route, so they are on the bus for no less than 35 minutes. He'll ride the bus home, so hopefully that will fulfill his bus quota for the day and I can keep driving him in the morning.
I wasn't able to walk him to his classroom from the car line drop off doors. They wanted me to walk all the way around to the front, when my intention was to show him how to get to his classroom from where I'd drop him off in the morning. The lady said they had adults inside helping them, and yelled for her a couple of times but I never saw her. Then the door lady took him inside and said she'd find her. This does not make for a happy nervous parent.
Which is funny because if you hung out with me you'd say that I'm fairly "fly be free!" with my kids. That's only if they stay within sight though. I don't care if they run fairly far ahead of me outside or whatever, as long as I can see them. Letting them go without me to find a classroom in a building I had trouble navigating? Terrifying.
But he'll be home in 3 short hours and I have more things I should be worrying about. For the record, knowing that doesn't help.
Onward to The Fresh 20 meal, day 2!
I didn't take a picture because by the time it was done I was starving and couldn't be bothered. Last night it was Greek Fish with Tuscan green beans and rice. The fish ended up being very lemon-y. Once again, Jason liked it, but I thought it lacked a bit. I wish I'd used a bit more salt, pepper and oregano and maybe thrown another spice or two in there. We used Tilapia filets because Jason likes only white fish that doesn't really taste. It was fine, just blah for me. The green beans took WAY longer than 6 minutes to cook. Like 20 minutes. This could be that I'm a typical Southerner and I don't want my green beans to crunch. I liked the addition of garlic and onion but could have done without the tomato. I feel like I wasted a perfectly good garden grown tomato that I could have had a fabulous sandwich with today.
We had wild rice instead of brown because we like it better. Tonight's meal (pork stir fry) calls for more brown rice but I think I'll go white this time.
I'm starting to get a feel for her meals. I really like that they're all fresh, and it feels good to eat. They need to be kicked up a notch here and there though. And I can't see my kids eating any of her menu. Jake tried the pork and then ran for his milk (can't blame him there). He wanted nothing to do with the fish and even Erik turned his nose up at the green beans, which he usually slurps up by the handful.
If she calls for green beans again, I might "cheat" and bring out the Double Luck.