So my hair used to have a tiny amount of wave in it that about 10 minutes after waking up would be gone completely. Then it was stick straight. I remember trying to get a perm in the 80's and having to have the rollers heat set because the chemicals alone weren't enough. Pregnancy changed all that. Now my hairs are pretty wavy almost curly.
This is after air drying all night. No curling iron, no blow dryer. That's fun. :)
Also, my pallet garden is going great guns now that I've moved it into full sun.
No fruit yet, but I have tiny tomatoes on all the plants, small jalapenos and the cukes are covered in blooms. Something ate my onions (I suspect bunnies, which is more than okay with me) and the swiss chard is still kind of struggling but I hope it takes off this fall.
Can't wait for all these tomatoes to get big enough to eat! They're all heirlooms. NOM NOM