Yep, I'm gonna do this again. I also discovered the
dayzero website has a social list tracker thing now. I'm going to duplicate my list there but I always forget to update those things so this will be my main list. I'll have to add to it as I go along because I don't have 101 yet. I actually ended up with 102, so I'm gonna call one of them a bonus at the end of the time period.
The Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
Start date: January 1, 2013
End date: September 29, 2015
complete p90x classic
ride a bike on the silver comet trail or the rockdale river trail
write at least 100 words a day on the WIP for 7 days
finish my wedding guest quilt
go through kitchen and sort everything (toss, sell, keep, donate)
go to the scott antique market at the expo center
lose 20 pounds
and then 20 more
celebrate the weight loss
clear the underbrush from the backyard (preferably without being covered in poison ivy)
go through garage and sort everything (toss, sell, keep, donate)
get Pilsbury & Lokai health insurance
paint the master bedroom
have art/photography on the walls of the master bedroom
see rock city
develop a better wardrobe which reflects my personal style
complete the 26 things photography project
have an emergency fund big enough to cover 6 months worth of expenses
start an IRA account
Learn Spanish
take a picture every day for 40 days
take a day trip to a wacky attraction
have a water feature with either goldfish or koi
create a backyard hideaway space with a place to sit and enjoy an afternoon
have appropriate patio/deck furniture
see cirque du soleil
take a riding lesson (at least one)
take a dance class
organize and backup all photos, digitize important prints
go to a civil war reenactment
take the lawrenceville ghost tour
visit savannah
seriously edit the coat collection
paint the master bathroom
paint the hallways
paint the gameroom
put $1 into savings for each completed task
get a bow and arrow
go on a Jason-centric trip
go to Disney with the boys
print, frame and hang photos I've taken
have family portraits taken by an independent photographer
spend a morning trolling garage sales
step wildly out of my comfort zone at least 3 times
organize books
write down and store safely financial info for Jason
organize recipes
plan and go on at least 12 family outings (strawberry patch, pumpkin patch, xmas tree, camping)
go to dragoncon again
list one item per month for bewhiskered
read all the magazines in the pile before renewing/subscribing to any more
go to the georgia botanical gardens
have Bewhiskered be more successful than the preceding year
paint the family tree in the front stairwell
complete the little red riding coat
Do a 30x30 challenge (30 minutes of activity for 30 days)
Do the Warrior Dash
Follow the motivated moms checklist for a 30 straight days
Create and follow a work/play schedule with plenty of free time
Clean up the basement
Get another tattoo (reward for weight loss)
Give something away every quarter
Make and distribute at least 10 giving bunnies
Go on a family picnic
Finish 5 craft projects on my "want to do" list
journal no less than once a week
blog no less than once a month
have the "annual" halloween party again
send at least 10 pieces of mail art
complete the guided journal pages
adopt a dog
clear and fence the backyard
complete a 365 project (photography maybe)
do 100 situps without dying
take the boys to each of the Gwinnett County parks which has a playground
enter a Craftster challenge (or an AotC one)
successfully complete NaNoWriMo
clean out Jake's closet
get the boys' toys under control (fitting into current organization systems)
get a new dining room table
get a new kitchen table
get a heavy bag or go to kickboxing classes
get concealed carry permit
get another 9mm
put 3 new tutorials on the Bewhiskered blog
go indoor rock climbing
go to Skyzone (indoor trampoline park)
go to a roller derby match
1. read 5 books in the TBR pile
2. paint the living room
3. get the wood floors put into the living room
4. Reorganize the gameroom
5. get a new couch
6. get blueberry bushes planted
7. Get a mattress for Erik's bed
8. Get Jason a new desk
9. host a gingerbread house decorating party for the kidlets
10. get Bamboowolffe to 90
11. reupholster the maroon chairs in the living room
12. try a new recipe once a week for 2 months from one of my many cookbooks
13. enter a creative-centric contest (i.e., photography, art, etc.)
14. get together with friends more