Jun 05, 2011 13:13
This morning's plan went like this: Let Jason sleep in until around 11:30, then get him up so he could wake up and take the boys. Then run errands during the heat of the day child free, including getting a pedicure (heaven!). Come home and bake some banana bread and piddle around while Jason did the yard.
Here's how it actually went: Let Jason sleep in until around 11:30, when he woke up on his own and stumbled downstairs. Feed the kids and get Erik down for his nap. Pump some milk just in case. Leave Jake playing in his room upstairs while I finished up my shopping lists and Jason went poop. Jake comes downstairs and starts watching TV.
Get startled out of my gourd when Jason starts yelling "WHAT'S GOING ON UP THERE?" at the top of his lungs. Sprint back upstairs where I find the bathroom door closed. When I open it I am looking at an overflowing sink and about an inch of water on the floor. Jason's still bellowing from the downstairs bathroom, and I can finally answer him that it's under control. Jake has pulled the stopper on the sink, turned the water on, shut the door to the bathroom and blissfully come downstairs like nothing's going on. I relay this to Jason in stilted sentences as I throw everything that was on the floor into the bathtub (after turning the water off, of course) and grab towels to mop up the floor.
At this point Jake realizes he may have forgotten a detail about playing in the sink and is getting upset saying it was an accident. He alternates that with mimicking Jason yelling "WHAT'S GOING ON UP THERE?"
Jason appears in the upstairs bathroom door half soaked with his shirt off looking quite peeved. I asked him if it had come through the ceiling and he said yes, through the vent fan. Then he says "nothing like taking a shit in the rain" at which point I lose it and start laughing uncontrollably. I'm still giggling.
Jason's all about taking care of the house right now so he's peeved, but I can't help but laugh every time I get the mental picture of him in the downstairs bathroom happily pooping when water starts pouring down from the vent directly over him.
This is parenthood people, and it isn't always pretty.