I've been surfing DA again and I find that I want to go to a furry convention. The craftsmanship on some of the fursuits is amazing. I stumbled on girl named Beetlecat. The work she does is AMAZING. Look at this:
http://beetlecat.deviantart.com/art/Hyena-Costume-Fursuit-130612221 and this:
http://beetlecat.deviantart.com/art/Quad-Suit-Targ-Takes-a-Rest-162295712 She also made these My Little Pony mods of WoW druid cat forms:
http://beetlecat.deviantart.com/art/Warcraft-Ponies-123811062 I'd pay convention ticket prices to see this kind of costuming up close. Gah. There are some seriously talented people out there.