Aug 08, 2012 14:42
I keep having random angsty, bitter thoughts running through my head. The kind of thing I might usually post publically..but seeing how almost no one sees/reads this, and how it makes me feel better to post it anyway, here you are.
*You can shine your Cadalliac, another way
...with the last drop....
....of spit.
....that I had in my mouth.
I was watching all your TV shows, the night I said good bye,
to the wold I know......
you can dye your hair tonight,
another way.
to match the color of-
the ground.
....that I am burried in....*
*I like gypsy moths, and radio talks, 'cuz it doesn't remind me of anything...* -radio head
I'm glad, that, on my emotionally weak days, everyone I want to see is busy or not answering. Its good for me to be alone on days like allows me to build my strength back up.
You belong with me, I belong with you. It may not be forever, but it will be the best thing either of us have ever had.
As long as she/he can hurt you, then you aren't over her/him.
*If you've never stared off into the distance, then your life is a shame.
I could never, forget your face, sometimes I cant remember my name.* -counting crows "Ms. Potter's Lullabye
*She said 'I love you' with her hands, she said, 'I hate you' with her eyes*-Evans Blue
"Linsey, you're not here with me, you're not on this same're not down on the field, you're up in the bleachers, watching Life, watching my life."
"You're a great therapist. I hope your hourly rate isnt too hight" -Stan
*Will it change your life, if I change my mind?*-Evans Blue "Beg"
man, I am loving Evans Blue this week. And AIC.