(no subject)

May 06, 2009 23:12

  • 07:26 @ RyanHilt I'm wondering if they plan on doing other origin movies? I hope you stayed till the end of credits, there's another scene. #
  • 07:28 @ outbreakgirl They screwed up Dead Pool, that's what they did. But it's kind of a crappy origin story for him as well. #
  • 12:13 @ Flagrante you always did eat the most interesting and tasty sounding things. #
  • 14:18 How well does being separated work if you live in the same house? #
  • 14:57 @ DJ_Spinja major suckage. you would dissapoint many a vampire. #
  • 15:38 @ RyanHilt hmmm... maybe privateering would be better. That way I'd get government backing. #
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