Lots O' plot!

Dec 30, 2009 10:45

Ello lovelies, me, Dee and Paigey had a lot WR2 talk last night, and did a rough map out of the plot, and some character exploration! I'm going to type it all now xD  Also note, we don't know where will we fit Suktas in after he leaves the baddies, still need to figure that out, but he IS still in the story, we just don't know where yet xD  Not sure what we want to do with the Sciguys yet either.

The Mains Path::
1. City they start out in
-BT/R and C/B team up with Airi
-City is industrial
- Produces food, goods medicine
-Farms on outskirts, farms are sustainable for now, gets worse as story progresses

2. Mains (minus Dee)  pass through the farmland.  
- Mess around a lil in the farms/animals
-As the move further north, the farm land gets worse.
-End up in a desert

3. Desert
-Caught in a dust storm, don't know how to survive in that type of environment
-Find buzzards circling over head
-Demon follows buzzards because it leads her to food.
-Demon finds the mains, joins them.

3.5. Meeting Demon
-"Dissapointing, you guys aren't dead" *joking obviously*
-Buzzards continue circling
-Demon, not growing up around wolves, doesn't really know how to act like one, lil awkward.
-Dee shows them how to hunt lizards and things like that, where to find water-
-Buried city

4. Demon gets them out of desert, keep moving north.
-Baddies, who went around the desert, cuts them off and gets Airi

5.  Baddies have Airi, takes him to nearby city/big town to rest and get out of weather & Meeting Rayne
-Suktas, having gotten close to Airi (?) has a change of heart, and lets Airi go while under his watch.  
-The baddies are close to one another, so Osiris is very hurt by this, Suktas leaves them
-Airi finds Rayne while wondering to find the mains. 
-Rayne doesn't really want to get involved, but can't just leave him.  She takes care of him
- The mains track Airi's scent into the city, find Rayne, she reluctantly gives him back.  Dee can relate to Rayne
-Mains leave city to get awawy from baddies who they know will start tracking them
-Baddies find Rayne, find out what she did, she's killed by Pherick.

6. Mains + Airi continue to move northward, towards the mtns.  Airi and their instincts tells them where to go.
-They enter a snowy forest, and move toward the mtn base, where they meet Manami (mtn lion)
-The mains tell her what they're looking for, and she tells them of an odd place on the mtn that no animals go; if they're looking for a gate on the mtn, they would prolly find it there.
-The mains continue heading toward the gate to paradise

7. The Ending
-The baddies, after losing Airi AND Suktas, charge off after the mains.  
-They catch up before mains make it to the gate.
-Scrim and Cyc attack Bow and Click, they fight, B/C drag them over a cliff.
- Dee picks a fight with Pherick, Pherick tells her he killed Rayne? Ragey.
-Rain and Black Tail try to run ahead with Airi, Osiris catches them.  They fight him, he beats the snot out of them. 
-BT and Rain keep Osiris busy long enough for Airi, who prolly has wolf blood on him from the fighting, to reach the gate of paradise. 
-Paradise is openend.
-All the wolves (and maybe Rayne to? maybe not) wake up there.  The main pack and baddie pack have a long look at each other, then go their seperate ways. 
-Maybe we could see Nat's group there to, we'll see what the rest think of this ending, then I'll talk to Nat about it.
-Rayne is showed in the reborn world in a city or something

The Baddies Path::
1. City story starts out in
-Betrays sciguys when Airi wakes up. 
-When they realize he's gone, they track his scent and figure out that he's with other wolves (i.e. BT/R/C/B)

2. Move through farms, raid for food.
- Suktas is kind of on the outside, but still trusted and accepted by the baddie's pack.

3.  Baddies know the area, they go around desert to cut off mains

4. They cut off the mains, getting Airi.

5. The baddies and Airi/ Baddie pack dynamics::
Osiris- Close with pack, protective and slightly distant to Airi.  Keeps him close, Osiris isn't talkative.  He's sick of the dying world, and thinks he should be the one to open paradise.  He's slightly desperate.

Pherick-  haughty, has righteous rants.  Accepts Airi because Osiris does, and he's their ticket to paradise.  He's cool w/ Airi.

Scrim- Unstable, irritable, loyal to Osiris and pack.

Cyc- Emo, confidence issues, uncoordinated, slightly bad fighter, depends heavily on Osiris.

Suktas- He's captivated by Airi, and believes that maybe they're not good enough to care for him or to open paradise.  He thinks the mains are safer for Airi.

6.  Once the baddies lose Airi AND Suktas, they kill Rayne and charge after the mains.

7. They catch up near gate, see 'The Ending' under mains for the rest.

Mains and Paradise::
-Rain doesn't believe at first, starts to after being with Airi for a while
-BT is captivated by the magic paradise has, is excited by it
-Bow and Click are all ADVENTURE :D
-Dee is clueless having not grown up with wolves.  She wants to go with them "why not"

Main's Pack Dynamics::
Click and Bow- Sisters.  Silly! They do funny things.  Bow is big sisterly to Click, don't know who's actually older
Dee- Gets close to Rayne, being able to relate to dogs better than wolves
BT and Rain- Rain is serious and can be stern.  BT is silly in chipper.  She says funny things rather than does them.  She ligthens Rain up a bit. BT takes a bit to warm up to others.
Rayne- Close to Demon.  Skeptical, takes  a step back to evaluate.  Calculates odds. Nervous around the wolves, doesn't want to fight.
And that's what we've got so far.  Question, add stuff, w/e ye want.  We'll talk.

ALSO.  We still need Sciguys, baddie humans, and reff for Airi. 
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