redneck dictionary word of the day: RACONTEUR

May 10, 2006 10:50

"Steady as she goes (steady as she goes)
So steady as she goes (steady as she goes)
Well here we go again
You've found yourself a friend that knows you well
But no matter what you do
It always feels as though the truth ends
So steady as she goes
Steady as she goes..."

IB exams: they suck. Break before IB exams: bad idea. Learned that the hard way...

On another note, I've got the rest of the week off...or, at least until Friday's French exam. So how will I spend my time? Well, I should be studying. If I do, it'll be that special brand of "studying" that only happens when a computer (or tv or radio or book, or cell phone or land line...) is available. Awesome!

Oh, and Fate is messing with me. Just found out that two or three more people I know are going to Oberlin, and they're all telling me "not to worry about it," that "I'll be fine getting in off the wait-list." About how much of that do I believe? Not anywhere near enough...even though Timmy got in of the wait-list, and my school stats are much better than his. Alright!
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