Oct 25, 2010 18:45
I have a cold. No bd, stuffy/runny nose, a little tired and sometimes Dizzy. not awful and much better then when I had strep. I got it from the boyfriend.
I have a show in oakland and since I am a trooper I am going to do it after I work both jobs.
I would go in to work later tomorrow or just skip tomorrow totally but Josh made a comment about my lack of attendance up so I am nervous. Not sure why since I hate the job and wish I would get fired so i can stop wondering when to quit. He also commented on how I am clearly not at 100%. So i am not sure what to do. The problem with Hubba is I can't leave early since I wan to collect my $$$ and that means staying until the end of the show. So home after midnight. have to be at work at 9. We will see what happens.
hubba hubba,