Is it Monday yet

Aug 15, 2010 12:28

I am starting to love the week more then the weekend.  Probably the fact that i only work 3 weeks days a week has something to do with that.  My weekends have been just nuts and they are only going to get more crazy.  I will get a break in September but then things start up again in October.

This weekend for example: Yesterday I woke up at 7:00 AM (I was supposed to wake up at 6:30) and rushed to work as I had to be there at 7:30.  Well, TECHNICALLY I could have gotten there at 7:45, I am still not 100% sure WHEN my shift starts but I like to give my self half an hour before the class begins, just in case.  At work things are a little boring, I check people in, update my facebook and lately have been working on my website.  I put out fresh towel, empty the trash, do laundry.  Not much but in a way that is worse then being busy because all I can focus on is how bored I am and how much sleep I am missing.  I then ran home for my niece's 1st Birthday.  It was fun cuz she is a cute little munchkin but my nephew was a bit of a pill yesterday.  I don't think he quite understood this is his SISTER'S birthday.  He is only 4.  After that I was supposed to go and help a friend with her wedding crafts but I feel asleep and then had to run some errands.  I then came home and for some reason decided to go dancing.  I got home and passed out.

This Morning I woke up early and had to pack and prep for today and clean up after yesterday.  I hung up my costumes and got my other costumes set for today.  I freaked out because i thought I was late for work but as it turns out I wasn't, I figured that out on the way there I was right on time.  WOOT.  Still bored and still not much to do here.  After work I am jumping in the car and driving to Half Moon Bay for the last Rocky rehearsal before the big Reno Show.  I am less stressed about this then I was because Victoria and I have a REALLY awesome Routine and I am REALLY proud of what we have put together.  Also we got all the transport figured out so the only think I have to do is pack, talk details with Joel (Rock Joel) make sure my iPod is charged or burn some CDs and figure out how to pin curl my hair.  But I have a week for that so I am less worried. I leave that at 3:30 so that I can get to SF and go to my volunteer job tonight with Help Is On The Way, an AIDS fundraiser that I am excited to take part in.  After that ends (probably 10 PM or later) I go home and PASS OUT!!!

Monday I sleep in as much as I can, rehearse for Hubba Hubba that night again and then go to work that night.  After work i got home, maybe shower, not sure, and get ready for Hubba, grab Frenchie and then head over to the club for my show.  And after the show I either ride the high or cry.

Last night as I said I went to Gaskells.  It was the first one I had been to a in LONG time.  I remember when that was so important to me that the thought of missing just one made me sad.  I guess Rocky just became more important.  I am not sure, maybe it was a money thing, maybe it was all the drama I was having with people there.  Maybe it was school.  I can't even remember when I fell out with the scene.  I guess alot of people did though from what I heard about this maybe being the last one ever cuz it seemed just as crowded as I remember.  I donno...things change I guess

rocky, dancing, burlesque, life, schedual

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