Lots of things to talk about

Jun 28, 2009 20:12

Wow I have not really updated in a while and a lot of things have happened in the last few weeks.  I will start with the most recent because it is a little funny now but at the time was very upsetting to me.

Friday night a few weeks I was supposed to go to the Hubba Hubba and I had a cute costume picked out and everything.  Seriously I looked hot.  Combat boot, green & black stripy thigh-high, short faux leather skirt, white shirt, vest, green & black striped gloves, top hat, riding crop and crazy eyeliner.  So this is where the night gets icky: My dad car is a little messed up so he didn’t want me driving it.  So I was planning on taking a cab.  I called yellow cab for one and waited and waited and waited and waited and it never came.  I even got the call that my cab was waiting out side and it never showed.  After 20 minutes I called the dispatcher again and was like “umm, I got this call and have been waiting” and she said “oh yeah just a few minutes” and I said “umm, OK…”.  So I wait another 20 minutes.  I then call for ANOTHER cab and they say 20 minutes.  By now it is 11 PM and the show has started and I am getting more and more panicy and upset because I wanted to see Sunny (more about her later) and she had been a sweetie and put me on the guest list.  Also I am tying to go to as many hubba thins as I can since I am trying to break in to the scene AND a girl from my math class is one of the Go-Go Dancers.  So it finally gets to be 11:15 and I say “OK I am taking Jason’s car”.  Well I sit down and my ass is SOAKED!!!  My stupid brothers Okie-mobile LEAKS!!! And my Dad had washed it to get all the plumbs off and the seats got soaked.  So that was the last straw and I went inside and turned on the TV and slept on the couch.  I watched Dune.  That movie is weird.  But it has Sting in tight pants so I guess it was OK.  Oh, never sleep in a garter and thigh-highs.  I woke up with some very uncomfortable chaffings.

OK so I will try and stop being emo right now.

So here are the happy things in my life right now: I am having an awesome time hanging out with my new friend Sunny.  We met at Hubba Hubba and have been laughing and having a great time since.  She is Also helping me with all this Hubba Hubba Stuff.  I call her my Burlesque Yoda as she is training me in the ways of the Burlesque.  I am really glad to be friends with someone like her.  She is just such and awesome and positive person and REALLY NOT DRAMATIC and I really need someone like that right now.

Our Activities as of late you ask?  Well this is the fine sexy Zombie in the pictures from Zombie Beach party.  We got ALL sexy Zombivied and I was super proud of my latex work as some of you saw on FB and here. We laughed and had some drinks and she introduced me to LOTS of people.  That Same Sunday we had Brunch and walked along the beach and it was LOVELY!  The day didn’t end as lovely but that is a story for another time.

The Saturday after the cab fiasco I went to a lovely wedding for my dear friend Michael and Olga.  It was a beautiful ceremony in Napa and I was so happy for them.  My dear friend “Cuddles” was my arm candy and we looked like we had walked out of a mob movie.  Him in a black shirt and suite with black leather gloves and shades and a silver tie and matching pocket square and me in my shirt skirt (Knee length) and giant black Jakie-O/Liz Taylor hat.  We were quite a pair and it was not suprizing we got the question “so are you their theater friends?” quite a bit which was a easy way to explain how we knew them since some people there didn’t know what The Rocky Horror Picture Show is.

This was my second wedding in 8 days (same out fit to both) since my cousin got married in Fresno last week.  That was beautiful too.  She seemed so happy and they had this really cool photo booth there that does those strips of photos and they would print out 2, one fore the guest and one for an album for the bride and groom.  They had hats and boas and other silly things for you to wear in the pictures and I had a great time.  My mom was a little shocked by the amount of cleavage being shown by the female guests, I was kinda glad since it made me look less extreme in her eyes since she is always getting on my case about my clothes and junk like that.  So I am glad when she gets a chance to see that actually I do know what is appropriate and all of that.

For Father’s Day we went to the Asian Art Museum to see the Samurai Exhibit which was really cool.  I learned a lot and forgot how much I like going to things like that.  Teddy came along and it was great to have him with us and my whole family was being silly snarky together and making some jokes about stuff.  I love being able to do that since I feel people are way to serious in Museums.  We then walked down the groody part of Market to the Contemporary Jewish Museum.  We stopped in the “Jew on Vinyl” exhibit and Teddy and I started to Mambo to the Yiddish Mambo that was playing.  I think we made this older gentleman’s day because he had the biggest smile after Teddy brought be up from the dip.  After that one we headed over to the Chagall and Jewish theater exhibit what was absolutely amazing!!! Anyone who is in the theater should see it because it is beautiful and very fascinating.  I donno how Jason or my Dad felt my I loved it and so did my Mom.  Also, the Contemporary Jewish Museum is very cool structurally.  I highly advice you check it out and yes they have student discounts.

After that we went to John’s Bar and Grill, The Home of the Maltese Falcon and had a fab lunch.  My Dad loves John’s and says it is one of the San Francisco Classics.  We had a great time, the food there is delicious and while it is not local there is just something about the feeling that that has this 1950s thing going on.

I am still prepping for my Burlesque show on the 6th and I am hoping that all of you will come see me because the more friends I have in the audience the happier I will be and hopefully it will reflect well on me as a performer.  I am very nervous.  I have been rehearsing a lot and I am unsure if it is helping or making me more nervous.  I just want to do well and really get in to this a lot more.

I am currently in summer school, GAG, I am taking math and then after school I head to work and stay there for a while.  I am trying to take it seriously but I am having a hard time since I am having a lot more fun playing with my out side activities.  Also since I will be transferring the credit back to USF and I can’t bring the grade with me (just pass or no pass) then it makes me even less motivated.

friends, performing, activities, life, hubba hubba, classes

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