Something I feel you should know

Jun 01, 2009 16:00

This is just something I have been thinking about for a while and after this weekend I feel I should share it:

I finally have a more “Serious talk” with Teddy.  I confessed to him about have BPD and what that means and how I have the habit of picking the wrong people to confide in because people like him and Kelli seem so…well perfect…that it is hard for me to tell them when I am sad.

For those of you who are just tuning in to this blog, I have BPD, or Bordering Personality Disorder.  It is what is known as “Bio-Social Disease” meaning that some of it comes from my DNA and some of it is due to the outside world.  Genetically I an hard wired to feel things more intensely.  Something that on an 10 emotional scale puts you at a 3 put me at a 7 and it takes me a long time to get back to base line.  Sometimes this is good, like when I am happy, but when I am sad, hurt, angry or anything else it is bad.  If you don’t know that I have this a lot of people just think I am over reacting to a lot of thing.  My entire life I have heard from people that, basically what I am feeling is “Wrong”.  20 years of this took a huge toll on my psyche and left me with bad self-esteem and a general hatred for myself and the inability to deal with my own emotions.  It got very bad when I was living in new your and since I am feel very open and some of you may know this I started hurting myself.  I was NOT I repeat NOT suicidal.  I never wanted to kill myself although I said that a lot.  It was the only way I felt I could express myself sometimes.  Long story short right when I got to my worst I got help, got diagnosed and have been in therapy for a while learned how to deal with all of this and also trying to undo all of the damage that was inflicted by all the people who never understood.

I am saying this because I want to explain something.  If I tell you that you wouldn’t or don’t understand how I feel, I am sorry but it is the truth.  You can’t.  I know everyone has experienced pain before, I am not saying my pain or anything is more or less then yours.  But odds are what I feel is more “intense” and I don’t know if you could feel as sad as I do about the specific situation.  I don’t think the thought of being 125 minutes late for work would send you in to a crazy freak out like it does for me and your reaction might be to tell me to “Calm down” or ask “what the big deal is”.  That is why I say lot of people don’t understand.  When I get in an extreme emotional state I am not logical or anything and it is very hard.  I am not sure what I am writing all of this or why I will post it open to the public but I guess I am tiered of hiding.  I am not saying my extreme anger or any emotions are an excuse for what I do and if I hurt or offend you I will apologies as soon as I can (if I don’t know I hurt you please tell me and I will apologies).  I don’t see my disorder as an excuse, a reason, but not an excuse.  I am trying and have been trying to learn to control it.  But like a physical handicap it is something I will ALWAYS have to work with and around.  Sometimes that means I need to take time to sort out what I am feeling and see if my reactions are justified or not, sometimes it means something else.

I guess I am asking if you call yourself my friend that you try and understand.  I have had to many crappy friends in the past and I want to change that.  I can have people be nice to me, I don't deserve people who take advantage of me.


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