Apr 22, 2009 09:37
So last night I lay on my bed in my Nightmare before X-mas Tank and "prisoner of love" boxers (named due to the combo of prison stripes and hearts wearing hand cuffs). This is after I sat in my chair naked for an hour watching NCIS because my room had no fan and I was sweating.
As I was laying on my bed I was borderline crying and called my BFF asking him ot come take care of me because thanks to a bad quasadilla (I think) I was neasous all night and felt like shit. I should also tell you all i do turn in to a 4 year old when i am sick. I get very whinny and rather bratty because when i am sick i want everyone to be taking care of me and spending time with me and doing what ever i ask, which is usuallyu just get me another glass of water and spend time with me...Anyway so i was feeling super sick and couldn;t throw up. And I had a head ache. AND THE INSIDES OF MY THIGHS ARE FUCKING CHAFFED BECAUSE I AM A FAT ASS AND THEY WERE RUBBING TOGETHER AS I WALKED MY 1.25 MILES HOME!!! I AM STILL IN PAIN AND FEEL LIKE SHIT!!!!! I have no clue what to do about my thighs, I have tried applying Samon Salve which is my general cure all for anything below the neck. But it hasn't fully healed and now I donno what to do and feel generally icky to the 900th degree. i guess I HAVE to wear pants today, I don't really see any other way...
II hate myself, my body, the weather and many other things right now....
I want a cupcake and a popsicle....and to stay in bed all day rubbing massage oil on myself watching NCIS and talking to Mr. Bunny...
(you visualizing yet?)
my body