So I woke up today and didn’t know what day it was…

Nov 10, 2008 11:13

I guess that is the sign of a very busy weekend.  Oy, some of it was my fault but I still refuse to take any blame for it because I fucking said so.  Friday I went to see Urinetown at USF and I was REALLY impressed with the quality of the show that College players put on.  It makes me even more excited about Children’s Hour in December.  Please mark your calendars because I would love to have friends there.

Saturday I went to Rocky and was Trixie and I will admit it was an off night for me.  In general it was just an off night for me, as Trixie, as a CPT and as Lights.  I guess we are all entitled to an off night and now I am just motivated to work harder.  And my off night didn’t affect anyone else because they always look great.  Funny moment at the show, some guy is a mock Zoot suit/pimp suit complete with hat, walked by and I of course had to steal said hat.  He turns around and looks like he is going to get in my face and then he smiles and says “Hi, I’m [Chris]” and extends his hand.  I smile and respond “Bunny”.  During my Trixie, I saw him again and decided to steal the hat again…Cuz I am just that way.

Can I say how much I love being Bunny??  I am so glad I chose a stage name and even though there are people who think it is stupid they can frankly kiss my ass.  I am much more confident as Bunny.  I know that sounds dumb but I somehow don’t think Amy would be able to be on stage with some of her jiggly bits hanging out.

I also got a lovely compliment from someone (who is not being named), where they told me they loved watching me Trixie since I am a true Burlesque performer.  That had me giddy as can be.  *Smiles*  I really love playing Trixie and since so many of you asked I am hoping to move on, so to speak, to other parts.  Probably come January I will be studying hard for Columbia (maybe my wife and I can some day have our lesbian antics on stage).  If anyone know they can make me a Columbia corset (both sequined and floor show) and sequined tail coat please contact me and give me an idea of a price.  It must be screen accurate.  And I am also thinking about trying out for MC but that has to wait until June at the very least.  I had so much fun doing it a USF and I know I am good at it.

I am a little sad I am not involved with dickens right now but as I read people blog entries about how frustrating it is I am starting to remember why.  As I said I will have no heath or sanity left if I do Dickens, Children’s Hour, exams and work the Christmas Ballet which I HAVE to.  So I will come play with you all and since I will be a patron this give you an excuse to play back.  I want to have tea with some of you and pictures and fun.  And I hope Fezzies doesn’t think they can replace me because I will be back VERY SOON.  I love my role of the “maid from next door but one” or whatever it is.  I love being Miss Wolfe.  So keep me posted on what is new and I will make a point to come by and visit.

What else should I inform you all of?  Hmm, Had fun hanging out with Alex on Friday.  Just nice to relax and grab a beer with someone.  If anyone every wants to Thursdays and  Fridays are usually good for me.  In that Vein:  I would REALLY like to start going to FNW again but I hate the drive.  If I can get to a Bart Station could someone give me a lift?  And then give me a lift home.  I am happy to chip in for gas.  I just hate the drve home because while I want to go to Afters, unless I chug A LOT of coffee I am so tiered by the end it is not safe for me to drive, I start hallucinating, I kid you not I start seeing thing that are not there on the free way.  NOT GOOD!!!  And I just miss all of you a lot and I miss dancing a lot.  I admit Rocky has kinda taken over my life but I hope to get back in to dancing a lot more right now.

And I just want to point this out.  Since moving home and starting school I have lost 22 lbs.  I am very happy about this and I got some new jeans to celebrate.  GO ME!!!  I am still curvy as all hell and always will be but I am feeling a lot healthier and that feels great.

Ok, I will wrap this up,  Miss you all

Aries (March 21-April 19)
You might feel that those around you are being a bit heavy-handed this week, but give them a break-they're just trying to help. You can bring everyone's mood up a little by staying lighthearted and peppering your interactions with a healthy sense of humor. Take the time to really work out what a loved one is saying. That person may initially have some trouble getting their ideas out in the open, so focus on listening rather than coaxing. By hearing that person out, you'll increase the trust in your relationship. Work is a bit of a snooze this week, but you'll get a very interesting project before the weekend that will keep you busy for a while. Don't let too much of your money trickle away in the next few days, as you may need to make a big purchase soon.

Excellent - Aries, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Pisces
Good - Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn
Fair - Cancer, Sagittarius, Aquarius

theater, rocky, dancing, work, horoscope, update, dickens

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