You’re kidding! What a Crazy Random Happenstance!

Sep 14, 2008 22:11

So this is my first update in a while.  I have been in school for 2 weeks and a bunch of stuff has/is happened/happening.  Firstly I actually like my classes and am a lot less worried about science.  My teacher is cool and a lot less about “memorize this fact and that” and is more about what he calls critical thinking.  Also I never have any homework, which makes things A LOT better.  I go back to work tomorrow and will be doing like 6 hours a week or so, which puts about 75 dollars a week in to my pocket.  Not much but enough to help my entertainment fund for the year.  I have been saving a decent amount of money because I never really have time to get food when I am at school, which is where most of my money went during the work week.  I have also lost a decent amount of weight thanks to walked a minimum of 2.5 miles a day plus climbing all the stairs 5 days a week.  I need to get some new pants…or a belt.

As I told you I auditioned for “Awkward Silence” the improv troop at USF but I didn’t make the cut.  I later found out they only took 6 people and I think they wanted more freshman and stuff.  Oh well.  I almost dislocated my fucking shoulder at the auditions thanks to people pulling me around on the ground.  I had another audition today for the play The Children’s Hour and the director said, and I quote “Wow you cold read really well!” so I felt pretty good about that and we will wait and see about call backs.  Now we play the waiting game.  At least I have Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along to keep me occupied while I wait.  I do feel a little better about something now that I had a good audition.

I went to Rocky this weekend, I will probably be Trixie-ing once a month since we have 4 girls so I will keep you all posted on that, I would love to see you all and I hope to keep blowing everyone’s socks off.  That is a promise and a threat.

Hmm, what else, not sure yet but I need to clean my room and get ready for school tomorrow.

Night night all

school, rocky, audition, work, update

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