Some thoughts while I take a study break

May 21, 2008 09:44

Most of you know I have a larger extended family.  My dad had 3 brothers and my mom has 4, all are married (only one divorce amongst all of them) and i have 6 paternal cousins and 11 maternal ones.  I am very close to ALMOST all of them.  Key word in that sentence is ALMOST.  The one exception is my Fathers oldest Brother Donald.  For most of my elementary school life I thought my uncle Donald had died when he was a kid or something, I guess I never thought of it too much.  Well when i was in junior Hight I got pretty curious about the whole situation and I started asking my Mom about it (I don't know if I actually asked him or if I just assumed that Dad didn't want to talk about it).  She didn't even know what had caused this rift between my Dad and Donald (Not just my dad, his two other brothers didn't have a relation ship with Donald either) but thought it had something to do with money and the fact that one of my Uncles is the 10 time award winner of the golden grudge.

In Junior Hight I decided to find out about my relatives so I contacted my Dad's cousin and she gave me my Uncle's address.  I wrote letters to my Uncle, Aunt, and two cousins, and I actually got letter back.  It was amazing.  Then we got a call one day that my Aunt was in town and wanted to come over.  I was in shock, this was like something out of Melrose Place.  A few years later i got to meet my Uncle. and he and my Father now actually have some kind of a relationship.  Well, tomorrow the time has finally come to meet my 2 cousins.  The whole family is coming over for dinner, my Mom even planned it for Thursday so that my cousins and I and my Brother could hang out if we wanted this weekend.  Technically I am going to Bay Con Friday night and have a photo shoot on Saturday but the thought it there.  Wow.  I am just a little surprised by this, seeing how I started this.

In other news my week is as follows:
Tonight: Final exam in Math, will be spending the day studying and eating popcorn
Thursday: Like I said, family dinner with never met relatives.  no group
Friday: Going to Bay Con for the night
Saturday: Photoshoot.  Still waiting on confirmation from the photographer *Glares*; and Rocky that night, anyone want to join me?
Sunday: SLEEP A LOT!!!!

Other then that I am trying to keep my room clean, since I FINALLY got around to getting everything put in order but I have a lot of purging I need to...mostly I think i have too many clothes/teeshirts.  I just ordered some stuff off the net so when it get here i will be cutting a lot of things up for rags.  That and the less stuff I have the less I have to move when I move this summer.

Love you all, need to make popcorn and study Mathematics

school, schedual, week, weekend

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