A long overdue posting....

May 09, 2008 12:50

Hey bloginites, so it has been a very long while since my last post.  I have had a lot I have wanted to blog about and just not had the time.  So here is everything and I will try and get it in order:

So I worked the Gala for my job last week.  Not exactly fun, I was behind a desk ALL night and went home and cried because I felt so unappreciated by everyone.  Not just the dancers.  It made it even harder that I tried to be skillful and had called a friend and said “I am going to need to call you and you have to tell me a funny joke so I will keep myself from getting worked up in to a frenzy” as I know I can be prone to do.  Well I called him later when I was upset and frustrated and he didn’t have a single joke.  I was annoyed because I had given him A LOT of warning and he knows how hard I am trying to be skillful so it really made things worse.  And I didn’t have my skill book with me so I could just take some time and do a game or something.  We did make a lot of money and the next day my bosses kept telling me what a huge help I was.  It was still frustrating and will always be that ALL of the dancers treat Kelli like the sun shines out of her ass and only a FEW treat me with dignity.  Particularly since sometimes I feel I work harder then she does.  But I am sure she feels the same way about me.

After the gala we had one day to get ready for opening night and for me that meant learning how to do costume changes.  I had to help them strip, zip and clip everything on.  I have seen more tits, ass and pussy in the last week then I have in my whole life.  It was a little crazy.  So I worked ALL weekend.  I managed to get Saturday night off so I could go to the LPN PEERS which was ABSO-FUCKIN’-LUTLY AMAZING!!!!  I wish I could have been in two places at one because I wanted to watch the band AND dance until I died.  SO I tried to Dance a lot while Staring at the stage.  A Big thanks for racerx7 and   brookswift for dancing so much with me.  I re-wore my Gala outfit (wig included, yes I was a blond) because I managed to even get a compliment from

 :“Amy, that is a lovely dress, you look far less trampy then usual”.  What a guy.  I did think I loved extra-cute and it was funny when my dress got bunched up when I was dipped.  I had a ton of fun with my lil’ sis and a big thanks to Jackie for Polkaing with me during my fav song.

As I said I worked Sunday too so I was so sleepy when Monday came and have not had a day off since April as it turns out.  I have been taking a lot of lunches to make up for it and check stuff out on e-bay since I will have a butt load of over time (Perfume and corsets)!!  YEAH!!!!  I also found a new bar Sunday night since one of the dancers gave me a ride home on the back of his Bike and we hit the Zam Zam Room.  Totally my new fav bar.  Anyone want to join me for a drink sometime?  We had fun but he was beyond hitting on me, and it sucked because he said a lot of nice things about me and goals and stuff but since it was all tiered in with him getting me in bed took away from a lot of it.

Monday the biggest news is a got a call from my wife.  I am just going to leave it at that but for those of you who know me on FB you know what that did.  :-)

Tuesday I met with my new Therapist since my old one is having a baby.  I like her sorta…I mean, it is just weird to start over again and my old one is a little more snarky.  Should I get her a gift for her Baby?  She and I will be seeing each other in August again.  Is that appropriate?

I was at the ballet as an audience member last night which was very cool.  It is really a lovely program and I encourage all of you to check it out.

I am going to lunch with my brother today, and I might have to work again tonight.  I am not sure yet.  Saturday myself and vampirejew (who has been teasing the fuck out of me and I will kick his ass in the wrestling match we are going to have, I mean hardcore smack down bitch) will be going to  fools_and_irish‘s birthday celebrating, I will be bringing to his first waltz.  Anyone want to volunteer to show him some of the ropes?  I would but I suck ass at teaching and we know that.  I am not sure if we will make it for the class.  The we are heading over to Rocky where he can play Riff and I will try not to fall asleep…again…hahahaha.

Sunday…Mother’s day…I am so put of ideas…I just might clean the whole house as a gift to Mom.  Including my room.  But I am so out of ideas.  I might get a gift certificate for a pedicure for her or something.  Any ideas.

Love you all…..

weekend, smuin ballet, friends, dancing, schedual, work, peers, week

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