Mar 10, 2008 16:49
currently counting down the last 30 minutes until I leave the office. Then I'm going to get a small snack then then head over to school. I usually walk tot he montgomery station but my foot is in alot of pain right now when I walk so i might just take muni to embarcadero and get the train from there. Then class till 8:30, home at 9:00, dinner and then trying to clean the HELL out of my room which is DRIVING ME (and my mother) crazy. Mostly i just need to put some clothes away and get my shoes in order.
So I have had a good 30 people ask em what do I want for my birthday which is 2 weeks from today. So here is the thing, i hate doing this because i feel like I am being a greed whore so the REAL thing I want to for people to REMEMBER my Birthday and maybe, I donno, I was promised a kidnapping so something like that is fun.
Other things, since i am turning 21 booze is nice, or martini glasses and a cocktail shaker are cool too (I like themes).
I have already told my family some other things but i would love a portable makeup case (I did ask my parents for one so maybe way on that) I asked my brother for an umbrella.
You guys know I love perfume, I LOVE chocolate (DARK) I don;t have much I want off Amazon, I will always be finding things on Ebay so i will keep you posted.
Love everyone