my life and a rant

Jan 24, 2008 13:19

Today: Work until 2pm
3-4:45 Group
5:30-6:20 Individual
6:30-9:30 ish Chilling with Kelli
10-1 AM Babysitting

Yeah. this is a crazy night, but will be making someing like 80-100 dollars for reading ad doing my Math Homework, Hard to turn down

For years and years i have had to hear people bitch about what I consider to be really stipid meaningless bullshit.  Macs vs. PCs, Pepsi vs Coke, cars, cellphones, styles of clothes, music, all this stupid meaningless shit that truthfully we will never come to any kind of agreement on.  The world got in to a GIANT dick measuring contest and I for one and calling and end to it right now.  I use a Mac and a PC, I prefer Macs because I feel there are eassier to use, and that could be due to the fact that i grew up with them, my father having working for Apple and the like.  Here at work I use a PC; for what I do, there is very little difference (what I do being check email, chat online, hang out on facebook an post here).  If I hear one more person tell me who their computer is better because of some opperationg system that means nothing to 90% of the poulation o will personally tatoo "LOSER WITH NO LIFE" on their head.  If there is a reason (no it does not have to be a GOOD reason) that you prefer one to the other, be it software, games or whatever, GREAT, JUST DON'T TELL ME ABOUT IT!!!!!!!  Obviouly I life my computer, hence why it, if I did not like it, I would not use it.

On to another: Music, we all have ideas of what makes good music, it is a personal taste, like liking spicy food or guy/girls with blue eyes, it is just the way we are.  I am fully tiered of mentioning a band i like and having someone tell me said band sucks and all the reasons why.  if you don't like it, say so, but please express YOUR oppinion.  Do not make blanket statements simply because you found their songs offensive.  I do not like rap music, it is simply a kind of music that does not agree with me, I am not saying that rap music is terrible, or is not music or anything like that, I am simply expressing that there is no "Rap" on my iPod.  As my father would say: "Please watch your mouth".

And now: Politics!!!!!  This is an election year and far be it for me to tell you who to vote for, I am not sure who I am voting for and will often ask people why they might vote for one cadidate verses another, and most of the time people respond with decent reasons.  The first person i hear who says something along the lines of: "I am not voting for X because they are a douche" will be tared and feathered.  Again, have an oppinon, PLEASE, but also respect the fact that others have different oppinions then you.  DO NOT GET IN TO DEBATES WITH PEOPLE IF YOU KNOW FOR A FACT YOU WILL NOT CHANGE THEIR MIND AND VICE VERSA,  THIS IS AN EXCERCISE IN FUTILITY AND WULL RESULT IN NOTHING BUT AND ARGUMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  In my faimly (extended) there is a rule: we do not discuss religion or politics EVER!  because me and my parents are Democrats and the rest of then are Republicans.  It makes most faimly time very nice because we can just enjoy each others company and not have to fight.

Again, I am not saying don;t have an oppinion, I am saying becarful how you phrase things because it might make life a little less dramatic for us all.  Anyone who causes drama is getting beaten by my " NO DRAMA" stick.  It has "NO DRAMA" carved in to it.

Just think about what you say and how you phrased it, might make the world a little eassier.

schedual, rant

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