Jan 21, 2007 00:10
So I have been here for a week, sorta, and things are interesting, I will have some challenges, no question, this semester, but i think they will be fore the best because they will be challenges in my acting ability. Allow me to give some info on my classes:
Survey of Dramatic Litterature II: A litterary class that focuses on plays, a continuation of a class I took last semester (Survey of Dramatic Litterature I) what focused on the classic. I had some issues with the professor last semester, but I am looking forward to getting in to some new plays.
Ceramics: The teacher is a wonderful french woman and dad has told me that I now cannot spreak to her in anything but french. The class is called "Form and Function" and that means that we are making things that are practicle as well as beautiful. I thought we would be doing more wheel then we really are, but I am going to see what she says when I explain my expierence. I have started sketching out some ideas for projects and will post photos as soon as I make some of them. My frist is a Pitcher, I am trying to model it after the Trans American Pyrimid, My final project is going to be a tea set.
Comedy Clown and improv: This class is going to challenge me alot, i know this because I have a hard time not laughing when ia m on stage and I am just nervous. I am going to be worked in this class, VERY HARD. We will see what happens
Voice and Speech: I am very interested what this class will involve. Our first class was fun and I believe the teacher is new. I feel that this one will also be a challenge for me.
Stagemeangement: So i am Working the Dance Concert with another memeber of my class. I think it will be alot of work for a short peroid but it will be VERY worth it because i will have done something new (sorta) be fored to get to know other members of the departement and will get my project out of the way before the end of the smeester when i have other things to think about (and I can go home over SB)
Stagecraft: More grunt labor for the departement. Nothing to Report on that end. But I Enjoy working with Mike, so Lets see when it goes
French: French, what else do I say???
Beyond Google: This is a required class that teaches you proper research techniques. We get to work on project for other classes while we are in it so it will come in handy for French and Survey II
So those are my classes, now, my extras:
Work: I doubled my hourse and increased my pay, WOO HOO, So I will be making about 224 a month. Not bad, not great but not bad and I am hoping to spend ALOT less then I did last smemster because i am trying to save up for Paris. And I just feel like if I stop buying Junk that i can afford to do nice stuff with my pals. it kinda ties in to a New Years resolution of mine: Stop buying jewlery. I am not saying don't GIVE me any (hahaha) but I just feel that I have enouhg cheeps earings that don;t mean anything to me because I go them because I was bored or something.
Vagina Monologues: WE ARE GOING TO ROCK. I am almost memorised, I have nothing more I can say
WMVL: As soon as I know I will post the link here for you all to listen. Promise.
I went to a Ranger hockey game this weekend at Madison Square Garden. it was fun but they lost and I have rehearsal tonight. In between then and now I have alot of HW for Survey. I hopefully will not get stuck futzing around with my ceramics HW.