Jul 25, 2005 00:11
Ethan: ...and by hocky I do not mean mastrubation
I went to wally-world today and got a new radio (my old one was crapping out, not surprising seeing as it survived 7 years of me), a new belt, and a bunch of supplies for my dragon*con costume (pants, a wide black belt, a kids belt for the collar, and a black tie.
I am continuing the massive over-haul on my room, hopefully to be finished by mid-week.
I watched part of the shadow today, and decided that if my original costume idea falls through then that is what I will go as, seeing as I already have most of the costume.
Touch and Go is an awsome band, and I command you all to go and listen to them post-hast.
Oh, and Antikythera would be a good band name.
I just searched for the webcomic Better Days on recomendation from audrey. I typed in this: better days webcomic. The last item on the page was the comic itself. Everything else was stuff written about the comic. How weird is that?