One Day at a Time - Chapter 22

Jun 19, 2010 09:26

Title - One Day at a Time - Chapter 22 / 22
Author - alligator138
Fandom / Pairing - CSI:Miami - Eric / Ryan
Summary - A new relationship undergoing the usual troubles... And some unusual ones too.
Chapter summary - It’s time...
Prompt - from csi50 - Set #1 - Prompt #17 - time
Rating - NC-17
Disclaimer - No one you recognise belongs to me, and I’m making no money from this.
Thanks - go to lausi_gm for betaing and stopping me writing stupid things, and bflyw for the header for Awakening the Angel, which I altered a little for this fic.

Not even Eric's dreams had prepared him for this...


author: alligator138, fic: one day at a time, rating: nc-17

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