
Mar 25, 2009 22:37

Title: Lazargus

Pairing: Eric/Ryan

Disclaimer: Still don't own them, asked Santa but still nothing.

Warnings: references to rape and attempted Rape in cases.

Rating: NC17 -for safety.

Chapter 7

Eric stared at the photos in front of him as he thought about Ryan, looking at all the names and images. He was determined to find something that they had missed to find the bastard that had hurt Ryan. But he couldn’t find anything, no link. He was looking at Ryan’s notes from the Library but the green eyed mans writing was illegible, a few words were underlined and some of the words translated but once again Eric couldn’t read them. He growled loudly, resisting the urge to throw something. His head wasn’t in the case, the images of the other victims kept turning into Ryan, he closed his eyes.

“Eric,” came Horatio’s voice. “Have the day off, go be with him.”

Eric turned to look at the red head, and he shook his head. “I need to catch the bastard,” he said. Horatio pat his shoulder.

“Eric you’re not seeing the case, go be with him today. Be bright and early on Wednesday,” Horatio ordered as he looked up at the Cuban. Eric nodded slowly.

“Sorry, H.”

“Eric what happened is affecting us all and he needs you with him, now go,” the red head said. These words kicked Eric into gear and he did go to Ryan that day and every night for the rest of the new week. Everyday Eric would got to work and deal with new cases, the rapes getting pushed back as less evidence came up. The jacket had DNA on it but there were no hits on CODIS so they had nothing to trace it to.


Saturday came and Eric had the day off, he slept late before heading over to Ryan’s apartment as they had agreed to meet. He got to the door frowning when he heard what sounded like a fight on the other side of the wooden door, then some crashing got his attention.

“Ryan?” He said knocking the door loudly. There was no answer and he banged again, shouting once more. “Ryan! Answer me!” He shouted again, not hearing anything made him worry. Using his training he moved back and kicked the door hard. watching it crumple, he rushed in with his gun in hand his eyes taking everything in.

Objects littered the floor and side, some broken others just misplaced. He carried on looking before his gaze landed on a small ball in the corner, he looked closer to see it was Ryan. The Latino moved over sitting on his heels looking down at the younger man, before sitting down fully.

“Ryan?” he asked, but the brown haired man didn’t move. Eric could see the tremors that ran through his body. He moved a hand to press on his knee and Ryan jerked his head up at the touch, green eyes peaking up at him. There was water in them. “Hey, there you are,” he said soothingly putting his hand out.

Ryan moved slightly, his head coming fully up, his body still curled up.

“I can’t get it out of my head, over and over, it wont leave me alone” he groaned. Eric could see the swollen joints on his hands, evidence that Ryan had been cleaning. The dark circles under his eyes showed that he had stayed up all night doing it. Eric took his hand.

“What can’t you get out of your head?” he asked softly.

“Lazargus take is putus animus pro vestis lucunditas, planto lemma dignus vos, ego tribuo is animus vobis it may trubuo mihi neus prostuio Lazargus avdite mihi now, my senior” he recited, his fingers tapped on the floor as he said each word. His eyes moved to the wooden flooring. Eric reached forwards and grabbed his chin tipping it up.

“Ryan calm down. now I can see you’ve written it down, where’s it from?” He asked his voice taking a stern edge, knowing that Ryan would need it. Ryan frowned kicking his foot into the wood as he shook his head.

“No…I don’t know,” he growled, banging his foot down more. Eric held Ryan’s leg down before getting him to look into his eyes once more.

“Don’t force it then, come on” Eric held his hand out, but after no movement from the other person he knelt back down.

“This shouldn’t be affecting me!!” Yelled Ryan, his body shaking once more. Eric suddenly realised that the younger man hadn’t dealt with the incident.

“Ryan something happened to you, and you have to recognise it and deal with it.”

Ryan got to his feet and growled. “But nothing happened to me!”

“Wrong,” Eric said cutting him off, his hand grabbing Ryan’s, pulling him to look at him. “Something did happen. Yes, he didn’t rape you but he drugged you and held you down,” Eric told him the facts. He could see his words where having an affect, he saw the trembles in his body. He moved quickly to catch Ryan as the younger male’s knees buckled. Pulling Ryan to his chest he felt the shuddering breath. “It’s alright,” those whispered words and being surrounded in the Cuban’s strong arms undid Ryan. His shoulders shook, tears spilled over his cheeks as he finally let himself give in, releasing what happened.

Eric held him close, mumbling words in Spanish to him. They stayed there for a while after Ryan had calmed down. Ryan moved, looking up at Eric, and Eric’s breath caught slightly at the tragic scene. Ryan looked through his wet lashes, tears still clinging to them, the emerald eyes now forest green, cheeks pinked and lined with tear tracks. He wanted to kiss away the troubles he could see, but he forced himself not to move. But he didn’t have too, Ryan leaned up, pressing his lips against the Latino’s, and slowly they started to kiss. Ryan pushed as they both became more passionate, his hands running up Eric’s back, while the Cuban’s where toying with Ryan’s hair. The green eyed man pulled back.

“Help me forget,” he whispered. Eric opened his mouth to say he couldn’t, but the look in those eyes stopped him. The Cuban moved around the house and secured it before leading Ryan to the bedroom.


A few days past from that night and Ryan was working through what had happened. They stayed together at night, Eric would go there, take dinner and they would just talk. Sometimes Ryan would drop stuff about how he felt about the attack, other times he would just listen to Eric talk or moan about the day. The green eyed man found that it helped, not getting wrapped up in his own thoughts. That he had someone to talk to, to listen to and worry about, helped him.

“I want to go back to work,” he said finally late Wednesday night as they talked over a couple of beers. Eric put his bottle down as he looked at Ryan.

“you sure?” He questioned slowly. Ryan nodded his head as he shifted.

“I can go back to my notes, translate them for you,” the green eyed man said with a chuckle, and the Cuban nodded.

“Alright, I’ll phone H, as long as you know your ready.” Eric started as he flipped his phone out. As the Cuban phoned the head CSI, Ryan watched him and the same feeling at the bottom of his stomach came into notice. Ever since he had met Delko he had liked him, and the night in the car park had not made it go away. He shook his head, Delko wouldn’t want him. He got up heading to the kitchen to make coffee as he tried to get rid of the thoughts in his head.

“Isn’t it a bit late for coffee?” Rumbled Eric. Ryan jumped, turning quickly and falling over his own feet. The Cuban caught him, their bodies close, lips inches apart. Eric smiled as he pressed his lips to Ryan’s, feeling the heartbeat quicken with his own. He pulled back to see the cute blush that Ryan always got across his cheeks. The green eyed man kept his hand on Eric’s chest where they had landed. They both just looked at each other for a while.

“Be mine?” Eric finally rumbled out. Ryan eyes widened as his cheeks went redder.

“I’m dreaming,” whispered the younger man as he went to move back, but the Cuban’s hold tightened.

“You’ve dreamt of me asking you out?” asked the Cuban, his own tanned cheeks going pink. Ryan nodded slowly as his blush spread up to the tips of his ears.

“And I usually wake up now,” he added. Eric smirked as he moved down his lips taking Ryan’s passionately. His hand wondered down his back, resting on the swell of the buttocks before pinching, chuckling at the yelp and then moved back.

“Not dreaming,” panted Ryan as he moved closer.

“So I ask again, ‘be mine?’” Eric asked. This time Ryan smiled and nodded.

“Yes,” he replied simply. The three letter word made both men smile brighter than they had in days, before Eric swept Ryan up in another kiss.


author: devilburns, fic: lazargus, rating: nc-17

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