
Sep 27, 2008 14:46

Title: Lazargus

Pairing: Eric/Ryan

Disclaimer: Still don't own them, asked Santa but still nothing.

Warnings: references to rape and attempted Rape in cases.
Rating: NC17 -for safety.

Chapter 3

The sun rose the next day, and it was going to be another hot day in Miami. Ryan blinked as the alarm woke him. He stayed in bed for a few moments longer, then his mind yelled at him to get up and ready. Slipping out of the sheets he stretched, arching his back to click some of the vertebrae back into line, and tiredly he trudged to the bathroom stripping off his sleeping shirt and boxers as he walked, placing them in the wicker laundry hamper to wash later. Reaching a muscular arm out he turned the shower on before stepping into the refreshing spray, the cool water on his sleep laden body was enough to wake him.

Once Ryan had dried off and dressed in his usual clothes he headed to the kitchen for his morning caffeine rush. As he pressed the red button his phone began its cheery ring.

"Wolfe," he barked, placing his black mug on the side waiting for the bitter liquid.

"Ryan, it's Eric," came the voice on the other end, Ryan shook his head at the sound as he answered.

"Can I help you Delko," he said calmly as he poured the steaming brown coffee into his cup.

"Call me Eric for a start" came the deep voice. Ryan scowled at it as he poured milk into his drink.

"Alright, Eric! What do you what?" He snapped as he moved to a stool in his kitchen.

"We're going to the Field house today, so head straight there, I'll fill you in when we get there"

Ryan nodded before remembering he was on the phone, swallowing the coffee he had in his mouth. "Yeah see you there," after that he hung up and swallowed the rest of his drink. He washed his mug up and dried it. His thoughts turned to a certain Cuban- Russian, ever since the last Christmas party they had been better friends. Well maybe it wasn't the party, a smile went across Ryan's face as he remembered it, they both had been rather out of it as they were heading back to their cars.

* "Hey, Wolfy, you can't drive, let me," said Eric his bright smile plastered across his face, but he was swaying as he stood in the deserted car park. Ryan turned, just as drunk, and nodded.

"Yes I can," he said as he started for his car, tripping over an imaginary stone and ended up sprawled on the front of his Hummer, he blinked a few times before beginning to laugh. Eric was laughing behind him.

"You know that's a good look for you," the Cuban stated, Ryan tried to get up but a hand in the middle of his back stopped him. "You know you have a great ass"

Ryan blushed and then chuckled. "Even better naked"

The hand came off his back, thinking that the Cuban had left, he got up but was pulled into a heated kiss.

"How about you prove that," came the husky whisper.  Ryan kissed back hard before his brain could get into gear, his pale fingers pulling at Eric's belt. The Cuban smiled wider as his mouth attacked Ryan, next his hand was undoing Ryan's trousers, slipping between the material to cup the discussed flesh in his hands. The bubble butt flexed under his touch, the skin soft and inviting. Boldly he traced a finger down his crack to his hidden entrance pushing a finger gently against the muscles, he smirked as Ryan whimpered and jerked forwards.

"You want that Ryan?" He asked huskily, his breath brushing over Ryan's ears as he dipped the finger in once more. Emerald eyes looked up at him full of need and lust, and that was all Eric needed as he bundled Ryan in his Hummer backseat.

Ryan smiled and blushed remembering the morning after. Alexx woke them both, both had been naked in the back of the Hummer, luckily Eric had been on top of Ryan so Alexx only saw Eric's naked butt. Placing the cloth back into its place to dry, he finished getting ready for work, picking up his keys, phone and gun he headed out the door.


Pulling up at the apartment block that Nikki Field used to live at, Ryan got out of his Hummer. Eric's was already there and the Cuban was leant on the bonnet watching the brown haired male approach.

"So what we looking for, the murder was outside," he said as he let his kit in his hands.

"Conflicting Character statements, one saying that Field had said Demons where leaving him markings. If that is true, Horatio believes he had the books to try and figure out the meaning." Eric explained pushing himself up from the car, grabbing his own kit they started to work the rooms one by one. The two searched everywhere for proof of theses symbols but there was nothing, they had even used all of their different lights but still nothing. Ryan looked at the bathroom, he walked in seeing the mirror.

"Eric we did the bathroom didn't we?" he said as he frowned at the marks on the reflective surface.

"Yea. Why?" Came the reply. Ryan didn't answer as he turned on the shower to it highest setting, both CSI's watched as the mirror started to steam up, but a drawing was being revealed. First appeared a vertical line that pointed upwards, 3 parts the way down was a horizontal arc that crossed the vertical line, as they watched the vertical line became an arrow. Where the arc and line cross a circle was around the meeting point and an inch from the bottom of the line was a small line across it. Ryan blinked as some writing came up.

"Trado is inficio animus ut domus of Lazarkgus animus illae angelus ero vestin" he said slowly.

"What does that mean?" asked Eric as he took a photo of it, Ryan shook his head.

"Never heard of it," the emerald eyed man said, but to him the language sounded familiar,

"But it looks like Field was set up, either he was murdered because of the symbols or someone used it to get him killed."

"I think we should look at enemies before the demon side," replied Eric as he packed his kit away. Both males headed out of the house, watching the yellow tape being removed as they had finished. There where bunches of flowers that were lying where Nicholas had died. Ryan shook his head.

"After all they did and they think they can apologize by paying a few lousy dollars for flowers and writing a note he will never see."

The tall Latino man patted Ryan's shoulder leading them from the scene, phoning Horatio to tell him their findings.


Horatio and Calleigh had the men and women that they had confirmed that had been at Nicholas's beating. They all sat in front of them, some collected others nervous.

"When can we go?" Marinelly said standing up, stretching his broad shoulders.

"When we find out who stabbed Mr Field," said Calleigh coolly as she went threw the statements and the contents of peoples pockets or bags. Horatio came off the phone with Eric and looked at him, then the group, then Calleigh.

"He wasn't insane, Ryan and Eric found the symbols he had been trying to translate. They are going to check the other houses," he said quietly before his penetrating glare moved to the crowd, Alexx's report in his hand. The last time Field had been penetrated it had been hard like the others and there where scars on Nicholas's outer arms, defensive wounds almost gone.

"Now ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to know who started these fliers," he spoke coldly, the rage rolling under the surface. Once more the group went silent, to them they had rid the world of a Satanist. "Let me rephrase that, tell me who organized a hate campaign against a rape Victim, who was trying to figure out the markings his rapist had left him."

Everyone gasped at what Horatio had just said, Ana Marinelly sat forward.

"He wasn't the one doing it?" her voice small, guilt laden.

"No he was one of the victims. Now someone used you to create a gang against him, using the distraction to kill him, now anyone?"

Everyone looked at the floor, no-one was sure of their actions now, some even had tears in their eyes. Samuel Edwards was the only one not ashamed as he looked at the red head, his eyes filled with sadness not guilt that he had lost a good friend.

"Ceri," came a whispered voice from the back.

"Ceri who?" asked Calleigh writing the name down, Samuel leant forwards on his knees.

"Ceri Anderson," he supplied, shock in his voice. "My ex."

"I got mine from her, too." Came a female voice at the back of the room, others soon agreed with her saying they too had received them off her.

"Where can I find this, Ceri Anderson," asked Horatio slipping his glasses on.

"Palm beach, she owns a hotel there." Said Samuel letting the tears run down his cheek.


author: devilburns, fic: lazargus, rating: nc-17

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