Fiction becoming Fact

Mar 03, 2008 10:40

Eric couldn’t stop the small smile spreading across his face as he watched the sunlight play over his lover's form as the younger man sat on the balcony, 2 weeks ago they had been told they where expecting a child and everything was going fine, yesterday at a scan the doctor had in formed them that they where having twins, he had missed the one baby on the first scan as the other child had been hiding it. Eric couldn’t believe it, ever since he had found that he was more interested in commitment with a man than women, he had given up the idea of having children and his mother had said that his sisters would make up for it, but now he could tell his mother the news. He pulled his phone out and phoned his mom.

"Hola momma, yes everything’s fine,…….yes Ryan is okay as well,…….. I got some news for you,…….. momma please let me talk, fine I’ll see you when you get over here," he hung up and shook his head, he knew he should have just gone to her house, he moved through the lounge to the balcony, "Momma’s on her way over."

"How did she take it?" came Ryan’s sleepy voice as he looked up at his lover, his hand resting on his stomach, Eric looked sheepish. " haven’t told her yet have you."

"She didn’t give me chance, she just said she was coming over, it's better to do it face to face right anyways right?" reasoned Eric as he moved to sit on the other balcony chair, pulling Ryan’s feet into his lap, running his fingers over the soft underside. Ryan jerked his feet back, squirming in his seat.

"Then I’m gonna go see Uncle Ron," he said as he stood up, but Eric was up as well his hand on his shoulder.

"Oh No you don’t! It takes two to make a baby well... babies, and I’m not facing my mom on my own, you need to protect me!" stated the Cuban as he pulled Ryan into his arms, "Plus I don’t want you driving on your own."

Eric could feel the growl that Ryan released and he sighs knowing Ryan wasn’t going to like that news.

"I can drive perfectly well" snapped Ryan as he looked up at his lover, Eric cupped his cheek following when Ryan tried to pull away.

"Cachorro, I know you can drive, and I know you can drive at speed, but you haven’t done it carrying Twins, and what if they move again, I couldn’t face losing all of you in one go," he said honestly, Ryan’s eyes softened as he looked down, nodding slowly.

"Guess your right," he tipped his head up and kissed Eric softly, the Cuban happily kissed back, pulling Ryan close to him smiling at the feeling of the larger bump against his own flat stomach, running his tongue over Ryan’s lips, smiling slightly feeling the babies kicking.

Ryan moaned before pulling back rubbing his stomach "That’s your fault you know," he accused. Eric looked surprised, "They only move when you touch me and kick when you kiss me."

Eric chuckled, running his own had over the baby bump feeling the tautness of the skin and the babies moving beneath the surface, a look of wonder moved across his face, how could an attack on his boyfriend turn into something so wonderful, in his eyes God was really working his magic. Ryan smiled fondly at his lover, it soothed him when Eric ran his hand over his stomach to feel the heat moving over the pulling skin. He placed his own hand on top of Eric’s, they stood in silence for minutes on end, just staring into each others eyes, their hands linked feeling their babies move.

The moment was broken a few moments later when the doorbell went, reluctantly they moved apart, Ryan waddled slightly into the lounge, after being told he had the twins and finding out he was pregnant he had filled out a little more, and the twins pushed down on some parts inside him, mostly his bladder so he waddled to be a little more comfortable, Eric smiled he would have to get a film of him doing that before he headed to the door. Opening it he was expecting his mother, but it wasn’t just his mother, it was her, Horatio, and Alexx.

"Hey," he blinked before letting them all in, kissing his mom’s cheek before looking at Horatio, confirmation they hadn’t said anything, the incline of the red heads head, was enough to calm his nerves as he lead his mother inside, Corrinda walked to the seats and looked at Ryan.

"What have you be doing to yourself young one?" she started, Ryan’s eyes widened as he looked confused, Alexx stepped forwards.

"We told her we had come to check on you, didn’t tell her what for," she said smoothly as she ruffled Ryan’s hair fondly getting the small glare sent in her direction as he smoothed it back down.

"I’m fine, everything’s okay," he said as he looked as his lover, it was his mother he could tell her, Eric licked his lips nervously before sitting opposite his mother.

"Momma," he started, Corrinda looked concerned and looked her son over, waiting for him to continue, "Ryan’s not injured, he’s…..pregnant," he said as simply as he could. Corrinda looked deep into his eyes,

"Eric Pavel Delko, you better not be kidding your mother," she said sternly, but Ryan chose that moment to stand up, showing his baby bump, and smiled his small smile in apology before rushing to the bathroom, the Cuban woman blinked before a grin moved across her mouth, but there was also concern in her eyes.

"He was the boy they were looking for, is everything okay?" she questioned, but the look in her son’s eyes where enough to reassure her that everything was going to be okay.

"It's all okay momma, the doctors are watching him every step of the way, and this is news to all of you, he’s expecting twins," he moved over to his mom, showing her the scan picture. Alexx moved over to look as well. Horatio actually looked surprised at the news, glancing over Ryan as he came out of the bathroom, the red head blinked at the size difference in his employee.

"Well Mr. Wolfe, I will have to give you your leave," he said slowly, watching Ryan look up, he didn’t look happy at the news.

"I can still do my job," he said, Eric shook his head, moving over and kissing his forehead.

"Don’t bother H, he wont stop working unless he feels he can’t do his work anymore, but I got him down to doing lab work permanently if that’s okay," said the Cuban, "this way I can keep an eye on him, if he’s here and anything happens...I won't be near by."

Horatio nodded and smiled slightly "I can see your reasoning Eric," turning to Alexx to see her nod of approval before he to was looking at the Scan picture of the two children that was inside his youngest CSI. Ryan rubbed his stomach as it growled, a blush blossomed over his cheeks.

"Well that’s our cue, come Eric, Ryan. We’re going to lunch to celebrate," said Eric’s mom, her tone broke no argument as she moved to the door. Waiting for her order to be complied with. Horatio walked over, offering his arm to the woman.

"Would you mind if we joined you?" he said smoothly, Corrinda nodded as she looked him over.

"Of course I don’t mind Horatio, you need you food, your much too thin just like Ryan is normally," she tutted, Ryan couldn’t help but giggle, ducking into the bedroom to get some better trousers on as he laughed into his hand, Eric couldn’t help his own snort coming out as he got his shoes on. Alexx moved to Horatio’s other side.

"Finally someone that agrees with me, but Corrinda he does eat a fair amount," she said, getting a look from the CSI boss, before the red head led the women out of the apartment.


The meal was a fairly quiet affair, Eric’s mother had called everyone else to come and met up with them in the small Cuban restaurant which knew the Delko Family very well. Corrinda and Pavel asked a lot of questions about it all, and when the babies would be arriving. Once they found out that it was around Christmas time, they insisted that Eric and Ryan come to their house for dinner, which Ryan was pleased about because he couldn’t stand the mess that Christmas dinner left, and hopefully the babies would keep him to occupied to bother about the stuff going on the kitchen, Eric couldn’t resist the thought of his mom’s Christmas dinner, pretty soon everyone was invited over to the Delko’s family house for dinner on that day.

Alexx would be bringing her family, with a variety of puddings, Eric’s sisters and their husbands would be there, and their adorable children, Horatio and Calleigh would be there, as her parents had wanted a second honeymoon. Uncle Ron had been invited but he was going to Lapland with his new girlfriend, but Ryan wasn’t bitter he was happy his Uncle had finally found someone worth his time. It was all settled, they just had to get out there and shop for food and presents.

Eric looked at his lover, wondering if he would be able to handle the busy malls in his condition, Ryan leant over and kissed his cheek, linking their hands together.

"Shopping will be fine, we just go early and have many breaks," he said as if reading his mind, his head leaning against the Cuban’s shoulder, Eric nodded at his logic but he himself hated Christmas shopping with a passion, but he could be there for Ryan and maybe be a help.

fic: fiction becoming fact, author: devilburns, rating: nc-17

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