Chapter 22

Feb 06, 2008 20:34

Title: Fiction becoming Fact
Rating: G -NC17
Warnings: Mpreg in later chapters, first time CSI writer. Disclaimer: i dont own CSI Miami, if i did Horatio would be happy and Ryan and Eric would be togeather already
Summery: something that is only meant to happen in Fiction is becomeing Fact for one CSI officer.
Paring; who else but Eric/Ryan
Spoliers; slight mention of 'nailed'


Ryan glared at his reflection in the mirror and poked his stomach, he was fat, fatty...fat fat and it irritated him to no end. There was also no hiding it now, even Eric had started to notice, though the Cuban had just said it gave him something to hold onto now. Ryan pinched his skin between his fingers and frowned even deeper.

Fine, no more hot chocolate, no junk food and more running, he decided in his head as he pulled on his jogging bottoms, growling as they where tighter than they used to be, pulling his top on he tugged it, only to find out it was also tighter around his middle. He was thinking of his old diet, before deciding Eric might be a bit moody if he stopped eating all solids for 4 weeks or so, so excise and a lot of it was all Ryan had.

He headed quietly out of the bathroom and down the hall to the lounge, he found his trainers in the shoe rack, putting them on his feet, he got himself a bottle of water from the fridge, leaving the apartment he hit the streets.

His pace was strong as he pounded the streets, for the fact he was so big, in his eyes, he seemed to be healthy, apart from his legs where hurting slightly and he needed the bathroom so badly, so he headed to the public ones, one step inside had him turning and heading back out a lot quicker. Slowly he started the jog back, he wasn’t going as quick so he slowed to a fast walk, seeing someone sat on a bench a little future on, as he got closer he saw it was Horatio looking out at the sea, thinking the red head would want to be alone, he set for walking passed him quietly.

"Mr. Wolfe, I haven’t see you out running here before," came Horatio’s voice, stopping Ryan’s walking, the younger man turned to look at his boss.

"Haven’t been running for a while," replied Ryan as he stood near his boss, unconsciously tugging his top to hide his bump, but Horatio chose to ignore the fiddling. "I haven’t seen you here before either."

Horatio looked over his glasses at the younger man, checking his face over, he wasn’t blind he had seen Ryan was having some sort of trouble, but didn’t seemed to what to tell or know what it was.

"I come everyday to watch the sunrise, though usually stay in the car," said Horatio, sharing something of his life, Ryan nodded and looked out at the sun rise as well.

Horatio looked out of the side of his sunglasses getting more of a look at the younger man, he had heard Alexx talking to Calleigh about him putting on weight, and she seemed happy with it as it he had been so thin, and now looking at the side of his employee, he could see what the girls where talking about, he frowned as he thought about it, it had been 20 weeks since someone was supposedly made to become pregnant, and they had been checking anyone that came into the hospitals with any symptoms or had been attacked, everyone between the ages of 20 and 30, Horatio had even had the staff checked out, all apart from Ryan, as he had been on the team. Horatio turned his attention back to the sun, he didn’t want to think that the young man next to him could be the one carrying a child. He didn’t have anything against the idea, but the way it had been done.

"Mr. Wolfe, would you like a lift back, I am heading in that direction?" he asked, he wanted to shake the idea out of his head, someone as young as Ryan could be going through the attack and being ill by themselves. Ryan looked up at him and nodded slowly.

"Please" he nodded downing some of his water, he had a healthy flush across his cheeks, following the older man to his Hummer, they headed to Ryan’s apartment, once out side the red head just dropped him off and left, saying he was needed at work.

Ryan trudged up the stairs, and let himself into his apartment, stopping at seeing Eric stood at the door, still half asleep and unshaven.

"Good Run?" he mumbled as he sipped his coffee, handing Ryan a tea, as Ryan had gone off coffee recently, Ryan nodded.

"Met H, watched the sunset and then gave me a lift back, after having wild sex in the back of his car," said Ryan, as he bent over to take his trainers off. Eric may have been slower to react but he had heard him, he tipped Ryan forwards and pulled his joggers down.

"Hey, what are you doing Eric" tried to push himself back to be on his feet and not his tiptoes. Gasping as a hand smack down on the bubble butt, leaving only a slight sting, before he realised Eric had heard him.

"Okay okay, I get the message," mumbled Ryan, as he was righted and kissed toughly.

"Next time, won't be just the one, your mine Cachorro," grumbled Eric as he pulled his joggers back up, Ryan shook his head, even half asleep Eric could kiss him senseless. Eric headed into the lounge and sat on the settee, Ryan sipped his tea as he stretched his muscles out, grumbling as his stomach protested.

"Eric….am I getting fat" he said as he looked at his lover, Eric glanced over and blinks.

"You do have more meat on you, but you look healthy," he replied the best he could at 6:30 in the morning, he looked at his lover. "Why are you even up at this time Ryan, I’m usually having to push you out of bed"

Ryan looked at him "I’m getting fat so I went for a run, my stomach’s hurting as well, I think that salad disagreed with me last night."

"The attack of the vegetables, all after your insides with their leafy weapons," smirked Eric, as he drank his coffee in one go, Ryan started to laugh, having to sit down before he fell down. His lover could be very funny in the morning when he wasn’t fully awake.

"Well I’m gonna go and have a shower," stated Ryan once he had calmed down enough to stand up, he kissed Eric on the cheek and ducked the hand, trying to pull him closer as he made it to the shower.


Calleigh watched concerned as Ryan wavered on the spot before holding the table to keep him upright, he was pale and sweating, she moved over and got him to sit down.

"Are you feeling alright Ryan?" she asked as she felt his head, but there was no temperature, though it was hot in the labs, all this glass and the broken air conditioning didn’t make a good mixture.

"It's hot," mumbled Ryan as he fanned himself, looking like he was going to fall over at anytime, Calleigh blinked and got him to stand.

"Come on, let's go get some shade and a drink," looping the younger man's arm around hers, she dragged him out of the lab to the break room where Eric was already and yes, he was standing as close as he could to the fridge with the door open. He looked up as the others walked in.

"Alright?" he greeted, frowning as Ryan just waved and sat down heavily, grabbing a magazine he used it to fan himself, his hair was flat against his head with sweat. "Take that as a no," he moved over, handing Calleigh and Ryan an ice cold drink.

Horatio came in to see his team where wilting under the heat, he himself was only in his shirt, and no Jacket. He looked at them and then at the time.

"Come on," he instructed, leaded them all out of the building to his Hummer, indicating that they all get in, he could see they where all not fairing well in the heat of that place, so a nice cool bar for some lunch would be better. Eric helped Ryan in the back before sitting beside him, once the windows where open and they car was in motion, Ryan perked up a little, he’s eyes didn’t seem as dropped.

Eric was checking his lover over, linking their hands together, Ryan sent a small smile to him before turning back to the open window, his hair dancing in the wind. Eric looked down his lovers chest to his stomach, in this position he could see the small bump that got his lover so wound up, he kinda liked it as Ryan seemed to have taken on a healthy glow and beamed when he smiled, though if he smelt the wrong smell he was sick. The Cuban had been prodding Ryan to go to the doctors about it but the younger man kept waving him off saying that it was nothing and it happened now and again, well that was until his Uncle had come over with Coffee cream Cakes, and Ryan ended up in the bathroom for over half an hour from eating one, Ron had told Ryan that he was to go to the Doctors as soon as he could, so Ryan had agreed but couldn’t seem to be able to make an appointment.

Horatio stopped the car at the small restaurant that was a know haunt for the CSI’s and occasional Patrol officer, it was a small Italian place made to look like it was plucked out of its home country and placed here, the white painted facade made the place look cool and inviting, the group headed inside, grinning as they saw Alexx and her team already at the large table they occupied when they came.

Eric smiles as the air conditioning hit his sweaty body, he stood beneath the fan for a while letting it cool his body down, grabbing Ryan over to do the same, trying to bring the man back awake as he seemed to not take to the heat very well. The two stood under the cold before moving to take a seat, letting the others have a turn.

"Can’t believe they haven’t fixed the air conditioner at the labs," mumbled Eric as he took the water that Alexx had got for them all, the doctor in her coming out. Ryan nodded and slumped next to him, using the menu to fan himself and teasingly Alexx, but only to see if he could mess her hair up.

"Tell me about it, our's at the morgue have gone down, and we've had to resort to storing bodies in meat lockers and ice, but they are working on ours this afternoon." Said Alexx as she grabbed the menu from Ryan’s hand, tapping him on the head with it before putting it down with a look to say -leave it there-. Ryan just smirked and grabbed another one, only to have Eric nick it this time. But then smiled when the Cuban used it to fan them both.

"Well at least this place has it," smiled Calleigh as she put her hair up to be off her neck, sipping her own water and smiled as the waiter came over.

"Afternoon all," he smiled cheerily as he got his pad out. "Is it the usual? and then bring the sweet menu over later?"

Horatio smiled slightly and removed his glasses "Yes I think the usual would be ideal" he said before looking at his team, seemed he made the right decision coming out. He liked to do this when he could, take his team out for a meal, because he knew when he was a lab technician the times you wouldn’t eat your lunch or didn’t have the time. He knew Calleigh made a point of having at least a snack, and Eric would have some kind of Junk food, but he had seen Ryan just not bother, so he had decided that he would take them at least once a week for a meal in the afternoon or evening. It was also a good team building excises, so that the higher ups wouldn’t think of sending them on those team building weekends in the everglades.

The Meal was eaten slowly, table full of laughter and conversation, as the group talked about their day, they hadn’t had many cases today, Ryan had a clown who’s shoes had gone missing from his house, Calleigh had started checking over a few guns that had come into the police station, and Eric was finishing off the small parts of some of the old case’s, but they had been finished and put away before they came out.

Horatio glanced at the time, they would have to head back soon, Stelter would be on his back if he let his staff have more than the hour and a half lunch break. Calleigh looked over and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you for bringing us out Horatio, but now I’m guessing work calls," she said, a little drama in her voice as she stood, finishing off her drinks. Eric took the hint and slowly got up as well. Ryan had gone to the bathroom, and Alexx and her group rose.

"Well it was a good meal," she smiled, glad everyone had cleaned their plates, even Ryan had cleaned his plate, she finished her own water, looking up as Ryan walked over, looking a little pale again. Horatio looked at him before shaking his head.

"Mr. Wolf..." he called, getting the younger man’s attention, he opened his mouth to tell Ryan to get down the doctor's before he watched the young mans eyes roll back into his head and he hit the floor. Eric watched in shock before rushing over.

fic: fiction becoming fact, author: devilburns, rating: nc-17

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