Yesterday's Clothes - Chapter 1

Nov 03, 2007 10:20

I watched Curse of the Coffin - I love that episode! But it was day and then it was night (when they were in the graveyard) and then it was day again, and they were all wearing the same clothes. That is enough to get my plotbunnies biting!

Reading it over, I realise that this chapter is really just a teaser, but there will be more next week.

Author - alligator138
Title - Yesterday’s Clothes - Chapter 1/6 - Frank
Fandom - CSI:Miami
Pairing - Ryan/Eric
Category - pre-slash, first time, romance
Rating - PG-13
Summary - Frank is confused…
Spoilers - for Curse of the Coffin
Disclaimer - Not mine. *sulks*

Yesterday's Clothes - Chapter 1

fic: yesterday's clothes, author: alligator138, rating: pg-13

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