...... 100 things about me ......... in taking no more bull

Nov 06, 2007 07:01

 I am tired, stiff, and sore, and hurting
i think there is sumthing wrong w my bros extra bed.

Now i realize that sum of the following is directed to some ppl. in my life and at my job .. so if you dont want to be identified.. dont say anything. If you plan to take it personal.. make sure it is about you.... HOWEVER this is MY viewpoints in ANY and ALL SITUATIONS. .. it is also a lil insight on me, and about me, and how i deal with things .. or how i will deal with things from now on.


56)  I will not be blamed for what you did or what anyone else did.. take responsibilty for your own actions.

57)  I am getting tired about being told what i can and cannot do. I am my own person. I dont belong to anyone.

58)  I do not start problems to make peoples lives miserable. That is wrong. You dont get anywhere by doing so. and in the end the person who starts the shit is the one lookin bad. it is not worth the time nor aggrivation nor stress. I have better things to do with my time.

59)  I HATE IT - when ppl try to invent stuff that i said or i have done. Especailly when they are trying to make me look bad in order to make themselves look better. Do you think that bad of yourself or is your esteem that low to where you have to bring other ppls character down?

60/61)  I HATE for ppl to get the wrong idea about me. A close friend of mine says that i am too worried about what other ppl think. But i think i am starting to not give a shit / nor care what other ppl think anymore ... thier problem not mine. If those ppl are truly my  friend(s) or a person that cares about me.. i know they will come talk to me about the wrong idea that is had about me.

62)  I only fight for things that i have / or think / or lead to have a good reason to fight for. (sometimes i am mislead that it is a good reason)Unfortunily.. i have a BAD habit of trying to fight for ppl i EXTREMELY care about.  But you know what... I am starting to have the atittude of just listening.. and not get involved.

63)  I refuse to bold face lie for ppl. especailly if i think it is not worth lying about. ESPECAILLY if it over sumthing stupid.

64)     I AM a human Diary.  I can be spoken to in confidence to about personal internal issue and problems you are dealing with and trying to sort out in your head. I will not give out any DETAILS or tid bits on the issue. If anyone asks .. i will say yeah we talked but that is between me and said person on said issue... and maybe you should go talk to them.  BUT if it is an action that you choose to take and it is going to hurt somone else... dont talk to me. 
65)     and i am more than happy to give my opinion. But i WILL give my opinion - so if you dont want it.. dont talk to me.  OR tell me you just want to vent before hand.
     BUT i refuse to be drugged into problem that do not concern me / or does not concern me anymore. I will answer questions - but i do not want / or do not care to deal with any drama that is not my problem. I have enough problems of my own and i do not care to deal and be involved with yours too.

66/67)  I have never asked for anything that is outlandish / extreme / or out of bounds. Hell i usually dont ask for much at all. I only exspect ppl to do what they say they are going to do and to do what is right.    everything that I have asked for is justifiable and can be backed up with a very valid arguement.

68/70) I am a CAJUN - and with that i have a temper.... I have friends that tell me that am waaaay to patient for my own good.
well guess what... i do have my limits. there is only so much BULLshit one person can take. I especailly do not like being controlled
or being told of what i can and cannot do. I am a strong believer in taking up responsibilities for my actions. Are you?? so dont push me.

this - my friends is highscool playground shit.
I dont play anymore

100 things about me

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