Dec 26, 2007 11:02
We've had a very merry Christmas this year; lots of visiting and dinners and time with Wendy. <3 She looks pregnant but not like, fat. From the pics I thought she'd be a lot bigger. Nope, she's just pregnant. ^^ Jesse and Wendy came over Saturday afternoon for a while and Saturday night we went and visited Steph too. Damion is 6 months old now and a bundle of energy and giggles. He has Steph's eyes and Jonas' round face. Sunday was kicking around the house for a while and we finally sold the washer and dryer set off. Huzzah! Then we went to my mom's for dinner with Grandma P and Aunt Pat, plus Wendy and Jesse. Gabe was a riot; always into everything and wanting to see what everyone was doing all the time, especially in the kitchen. Dinner was GREAT but I didnt' take enough left-overs with me.
Monday, being Christmas eve, was kinda screwed up. Gabe slept in really late, Ryan went out to do some last second shopping and banking, and then we went and visited Kelly and James for an hour or so. We made them open their gifts from us then we headed home because Gabe was super tired still. Gabe napped, we ate the meager leftovers and Gabe woke up. Unfortunately, he was sooooo tired and cranky still he vetoed Christmas eve visiting and we stayed home. I think that migh've been the first time in my entire life I wasn't out visiting my grandparents and aunts and uncles on Christmas eve. I was tempted to head 'round the corner to the Catholic church for Midnight mass and all the singing but decided against it. I didn't want to run into my old landlords. Maybe next year.
Christmas morning Gabe woke us up around nine and we opened all the presents; Gabe didnt' know what was going on and was happy to play with whatever we tossed at him after opening it. Next year I'm sure he'll be able to open his own presents. ^^ I called my mum and dad about 9:30/quarter to ten and they were just getting up! I had to laugh; no kids at home to get them up early. Wen and I used to get them out of bed at 7:30 on the dot. Literally. Gabe wouldnt' nap so we were at Leslie's by 2 I think and hung out there for most of the day. They spoiled us ROTTEN this year and bought us a new little round kitchen table. <3 <3 I can't wait to get it moved in and the old one out in the garage or sell it. It's just too big and all we do is put stuff on it. We never eat at it and Gabe's never going to learn how to eat properly if he doesn't see Ry and I eating. We had a good time at Leslie's; the food was great, seeing Nanny was awesome and playing around on Leslie's new piano was fun! Ryan'd be really good at it I think if we had one. We finally made it home around 8:30 and put Gabe to bed; he slept like a rock last night till about 9 today and now we're up and about together.
My living room is a bit of a mess and I havent' worked out in days but I plan to once I clear a space. ^^ I found my workout clothes now that the laundry is FINALLY folded and put away (our room looked like a laundromat barfed on it for about 2 weeks) so yoga here I come! Mom complimented me on her birthday and has noticed I look different from my excersizing. Oh yeah, thinking that, Leslie bought me 30 some passes to the John Rhodes pool so I can go to Aquabics anytime now! *squee* ^__^ Look out bikinis, here I come!