Jan 08, 2010 03:27
Snuggles started laying eggs a few weeks ago.
Greg abd I took her to the vet last monday, but she had laid her egg under her cage.(had been holding it for 3 days.)
She was saying sorry at the vets, Said "thats a dog,no-good." told husband "I very sad."
When I told her that she was seeing the good vet she said "who is that?" Dr Ryan." Stop that"
she said in his voice. in her voice she said "this is not easy."
After they cliped a nail to draw blood, she said "Never again!"
She is doing better, complaned about the tummy and claw.
Holding her Ice juice helped as well as eating some of the mango juice. The vet said that we should give her cipro eith food, (Antibotic)as that was pos what was upsetting her stomic.
Oh do not take tums and cipro or milk or calcum at the same time.
I knew this,was reminded by vet office as snuggles is on a suplement.
She is watching TV and talking, being her self.