In Lieu of Real Content...

Oct 28, 2008 16:49

I still can't come up with useful content of my own.  So, I'm usurping the following "controversial meme" which is indirectly taken from nO_leaf_clover.

1. Do you have the guts to answer these questions and re-post as The Controversial Survey?
I'm doing the survey, but it isn't anything I don't discussion in person with other people all the time.

2. Would you do meth if it was legal?
No.  Why would I want to fuck myself up mentally or physically?  I'll have enough medical problems just due to wear'n'tear over time.

3. Abortion: for or against it?
I believe it is best to allow people that option legally.  First off, people will do it whether it is legal or not... and the results of illegal abortions are horrific at best.  Second of all, if you force someone to breed against their will you are basically enslaving them.  And finally, although of course there are numerous exceptions, unwanted children generally have really crappy lives.  I don't think forced breeding to produce a life of pain is any better than a quick immediate death.  In a prefect world, people would never get pregnant on accident and this would be a non-issue.  But, since it is not a prefect world then I feel that lives lost early in death are not any worse lives lost later after much suffering.  It should be a choice.

4. Do you think the world would fail with a female president?
Arrogant much?  This is a retarded question... the world is not the US.  The US does have impact on the rest of the world, but the job of the President is care for the country and its citizens first.  I don't see why a woman couldn't do that as well as a man.  And from the international perspective, if a woman can't do as well in dealing with some leaders from countries that don't acknowledge the capabilities of women, well I don't really see a problem with that... since, we shouldn't be doing business with oppressive governments.  I don't see where having a man talk AT North Korea while they ignore the US is any different than having a woman talk AT some gender biased country.  In these cases it is more about the media working to educate the populace for when an opportunity for changes eventually arises.

5. Do you believe in the death penalty?
Yes.  You kill rabid dogs rather than leaving them around to infect others with there madness.  Suffering spreads exponentially when we let them out to rape and kill again and again.  Mind you I am not arrogant enough to decide who lives or dies myself.  However, since I believe it is the right option in some cases, I would be willing to bear the burden of blood for those cases I believe in.

Sidenote:  If you won't take the action yourself, then I don't believe you really support the action at all.

6. Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
I don't care except that the tax money would be useful.

7. Are you for or against premarital sex?
If the parties are consenting, then I don't see a problem with it.  I hope they have the sense to use the appropriate preventative measures to avoid diseases and pregnancy, but I don't think sex is some glorious high ideal.  It is something fun do that comes with its own special edge of danger.  You can have nasty physical consequences (and I do consider unwanted pregnancy to be one such), but more importantly it entails horrific emotional dangers.  Nothing like a bad relationship where sexual interaction played a heavy role  to really break a person down.  But you know, marriage certainly doesn't protect against any of the above risks.  You can still get nasty diseases and pregnant when you don't want to be.  Only marriage has even more potential to destroy you emotionally; since, it carries these ideas of permanence and perfection.  So, I suppose I think premarital sex is a non-issue.

8. Do you believe in God?
Sure, but is my god your god?

9. Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
I think bindings between the same gender should be legal without question.   Now marriage is a religious institution; so, I think it should be up to the church in question whether they recognize it.  I firmly believe in the separation of church and state.  If people wish to be legally paired and receive the legal benefits of such a state, then I just cannot understand how their own government has the right to deny them.  Governments should serve the people.  Of course, I don't agree that churches should be exempt from taxes either.  They are businesses that take in money.  They should pay with all the other businesses.

Note:  Please do not confuse religion with churches.  Religions are methods of looking at and understanding the world and a person's place in it.  Churches are businesses that provide religious services to their faithful.

10. Do you think it's wrong that so many Hispanics are illegally moving to the USA?
Well I wish they weren't since it isn't helping them or the US, but I don't think it is "wrong" to want to find a better place to live and work.  I just moved from an apartment to a house myself.  Is that wrong?

11. A twelve year old girl has a baby, should she keep it?
Well, I'm not going to decide for her in fact, but no she shouldn't.  I doubt she has the experience to make an educated decision, but  from what I have seen 12 year-olds with babies pretty much have sucky lives across the board whether they know it or not.  Then again I'm not going to make her kill the baby, or refuse to allow her to spend nine months suffering to breeding it up just so she can put it up for adoption if that is her choice.

12. Should the alcohol age be lowered to eighteen?
If it would decrease alcohol abuse and alcohol related deaths, then I fine with that.  If not, then why bother.  More research please?  I don't see where lowering it would necessarily remove the idea of  "forbidden" from it.  That is the problem more than the actual age.

13. Should the war in Iraq be called off?
I didn't support it to begin with.  It was always about greed.  But, I believe you finish what you start.  The US fucked the existing system up.  We don't leave till we get a functioning system in place.  If that costs more lives, then so be it.  Obviously wasting our citizens lives was ok with the greedy SOB's in the first place.  You can't suddenly pretend to care when you didn't before.  That card is denied you in my book.  I hate it that so many of our soldiers are dying, but that is what they are paid to do sadly enough.

14. Assisted suicide is illegal: do you agree?
It should be legal.  If someone wants to die, that is their right.  If they need help to make it less painful, then we should offer it.

15. Do you believe in spanking your children?
Does it work?  I don't like pain as a tool personally, but I know that it works with me.  If I burn myself cooking, I don't do the same stupid thing again.  I managed to scrape up my hands working in the yard last week.  I'll wear gloves next time.  My problem with spanking is thus:  children are not adults.  Their brains are still organizing themselves.  They don't understand the world in the same complex way we do.  If spanking is ruling by fear, then I don't approve.  I don't approve because then they aren't really avoiding the behavior because they understand the problem with it.  They are avoiding it because they fear you.  That isn't doing your job as a parent.  Your job is to create productive members of society.  It is not to produce people that will do whatever they want when they stop fearing you.  As far as I understand the research now, it may be a good option with very small children because they are too simple to understand the actual reasons behind why they shouldn't do something.  They cry because they dislike being wet... and so they are changed.  Maybe "do not throw things" taught with pain would be ok.  However as soon as they can understand the reasons why something is wrong, then I think you should be explaining the reasons instead of resorting to force.  I don't have children myself though so I don't know that I'm having a valid opinion.

16. Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
I suppose.  A flag is not a country.  It is a piece of cloth.

17. Who do you think would make a better president?
Can I just say that I wanted them all to die in a fire in the first place?  I don't like any of them.  Palin's let the already suffering rape victims pay money for their rape kits is no less objectionable than Obama's lets take money from the rich because they are rich.  Seriously, you can't take money from wealthy people just because they are wealthy.  Where are your morals?  Besides, it is counterproductive.  If he gets serious about taking money from the wealthy, they will just move their money and businesses overseas to friendlier climes leaving him with no one to take money from.  McCain is crappy status quo bail them out bail them out.  I thought we were capitalists?  When you screw up you fail in capitalism.  And that would be fine, someone else would take over with a different system.  Bailing out the existing system just wastes money propping up something that is obviously not sustainable and completely subject to greed.  I'm voting for greed because I think Obama's idealism will have one of two results.  Either he will get nothing done because the rich people will be interfering with his day hardcore or the economy will become even more unstable as the wealthy move to make their assets exempt from his pilferings.

18. Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
No.  No one reads my posts because I never post. 


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