Another New Begining

Dec 28, 2005 03:36 very first my very first online journal thing. Still not exactly sure why I'm doing this, truth be told for ceratin reasons I've always been against these things, but we'll see. I mean I am...home...which of course that might be why (don't you just love the vagueness? I know I sure do).

I haven't told anyone about this (real close friends, just friends, sorta friends, family, and so on down the line) and really don't plan on it. So, if you're reading this I probably don't know you. But thats a sort of wierd kind of way.

So...well. I guess thats it. Exciting, eh? No...not really. But for those of you reading (those of you who somehow accidentally came upon this poor excuse for a journal) I promise future entries won't be as vague and pointless. Its a good promise to make to myself, too...
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