Mar 17, 2007 01:49
So, I noticed two things:
Not that I didn't notice them before of course, but lately they just seem to be in my face, so, why not write about it? 1 - People do not show each other that they care enough...and 2 - Although I shower people with kind gestures, gifts, little things even, just to let them know I care, I do find it really rather hard to just come out and say "I care about you..." or "You mean a lot to me" or..."I love you."
First, 1. I see it with how friends treat each other, with family members too, even with strangers...with how people treat me as well. I find it odd that it is so hard for people to let someone know they care about them. Is it laziness? Do they just feel like not bothering? Or is it the way the world is these days, so quick and moving, that there is no time to stop and do a little something nice for someone else? Is it greed and selfishness? Would people rather use their precious free time caring about themselves? Or...or, are people just that absentminded that they're oblivous to the fact that those they care about are constantly left wondering if they truly care to begin with, and that a simply little gesture could make all the difference, clearing up any and all confussion? Its probably bits of all of the above.
And 2. I believe I do a fair job of letting those I care about know I do, in fact, care about them a great deal. I do hope so at least. But why is it, I wonder, that I'd rather spend hours creating a painting, making a handmade card, searching for gifts online, or performing some grand favor than simply saying "Hey. I care about you..." or "You know what? You mean a lot to me" or..."Well, you see...I love you"? Maybe that is all a person wants really. To hear those words.I admit I don't need someone to buy me something, make me something, or do me favor upon favor just to let me know they care. Most of the time I can just sense it, just feel it inside when I'm with that person, or talking with that person over the phone or reading their e-mail, or, sometimes, even just thinking about them - And I know they care about me. I don't need them to say they do - but it is quite nice to hear it from them. Its that little bit of reassurance that goes a very long way indeed...isn't it?