
Feb 07, 2011 20:57

You know, this kind of seems like the perfect condition to contract some horrible illness. No wonder two of the tenants are delirious ( Read more... )

not babby, not a wiggler damnit, marshall, nagnagnag, honorary troll apparently

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p2iioniic February 8 2011, 04:07:29 UTC
who the fuck are you.


wolfcharger February 8 2011, 07:34:17 UTC
Midna. Your turn.


p2iioniic February 8 2011, 12:28:39 UTC

what are you doiing iin our hiive.


wolfcharger February 8 2011, 12:51:37 UTC

Feferi did a little more than just insist I come in.


p2iioniic February 8 2011, 12:59:52 UTC

whatever, 2he probably diid.
but iinviitiing you over doe2n't mean you get any 2ay iin decii2iion makiing here.


wolfcharger February 8 2011, 13:03:37 UTC
... So you want to share a two bedroom apartment with six other people, two of which are possibly horrifically sick and contagious and despite the fact that there are several other rooms in the building?

Because if that's the case, hey, sure, why not. I'm not going to muscle in on your party.


p2iioniic February 8 2011, 13:17:33 UTC
they aren't contagiiou2.

iif iit'2 two hot for you.
get out of the food proce22iing uniit.


wolfcharger February 8 2011, 13:19:58 UTC
I'd hope not.

Nope, I think I'm going to sit it out here. Besides, I like Feferi.


p2iioniic February 8 2011, 14:31:53 UTC
ii liike her two.
you don't 2ee me telliing her two diitch her friiend2 do you.


wolfcharger February 8 2011, 14:33:44 UTC
I never said 'ditch', I said 'different room'. You can still be with your friends and in a different room in the same building.


p2iioniic February 8 2011, 14:40:13 UTC
leaviing them alone mean2 they'd go and get lo2t agaiin.
and then we'd need two fiind them agaiin.
and iit would be a huge wa2te of tiime.


wolfcharger February 8 2011, 14:41:46 UTC
Then bring them to the hospital and get a doctor. Or just call a doctor over here. Wouldn't that be easier?


damn html p2iioniic February 8 2011, 14:46:01 UTC
we aren't human.
you know any "doctor2" here who know troll dii2ea2e2?
becau2e there aren't any!

they'll get better eventually.


/pets :< wolfcharger February 8 2011, 14:47:18 UTC
You could give it a shot you know. I'm not human and I was treated just fine at the hospital.

Or, you know. They'll die from infection.


<3 p2iioniic February 8 2011, 14:52:07 UTC

they aren't goiing two diie liike thii2.
well maybe eriidan miight.
but kk ii2n't goiing two.


♥! wolfcharger February 8 2011, 14:53:19 UTC
You're just going to take a bet on that.

Tch. I guess it's just good luck they don't die forever here.


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