
Feb 07, 2011 20:57

You know, this kind of seems like the perfect condition to contract some horrible illness. No wonder two of the tenants are delirious ( Read more... )

not babby, not a wiggler damnit, marshall, nagnagnag, honorary troll apparently

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freeglub February 8 2011, 02:10:50 UTC
Don't worry!
You )(aven't been to t)(e Land of Stupid and Coconuts!
You're SAF---E!


wolfcharger February 8 2011, 02:20:18 UTC
Until one of them goes rabid and tries to bite me, I'm sure. Don't you think they should be... taken to the hospital or something?


freeglub February 8 2011, 02:23:42 UTC


wolfcharger February 8 2011, 02:24:37 UTC
... Before they die?


freeglub February 8 2011, 02:29:25 UTC
I don't know if t)(e )(umans can glub troll anatomy.
And Karcrab probably won't let us.
)(e's suc)( a barnacle w)(en it comes to )(is blood!


wolfcharger February 8 2011, 02:33:00 UTC
Then knock him out and drag him there. Just give the doctors enough warning so they can strap him down or something.

... And why does blood color even matter?


freeglub February 8 2011, 02:43:29 UTC
It's w)(at our society is based on!
I doesn't really matter anymore, t)(oug)(.
I mean, I'm pretty sure you're a teal blood, rig)(t?


wolfcharger February 8 2011, 02:46:16 UTC
... Weird.

And no, I'm pretty sure my blood's blackish blue or... something.


freeglub February 8 2011, 15:34:55 UTC
T)(at's pretty cool!
I don't t)(ink I know anyone w)(o swims wit)( t)(at blood!


wolfcharger February 8 2011, 15:37:54 UTC
Really? Huh.

[Well as long as she doesn't want to see it, Midna is cool with this discussion]

Well, I never thought the color was that important. It keeps me alive, that's all.


freeglub February 8 2011, 15:44:47 UTC
T)(at makes sense!
You didn't )(ave anyone teac)( you t)(ese t)(ings!
Not even a lusus!

I just t)(ink our sc)(ool puts TOO muc)( importance on it!!
Just because my blood's t)(is color doesn't mean I'm better t)(an anyone else!
And just because you're a blue blood, it doesn't mean t)(at you can do w)(atever you want!

If everyfis)( didn't die, I was going to c)(ange all t)(at!


wolfcharger February 8 2011, 15:49:22 UTC
I don't even know what a lusus is. And what color is your blood even?

... Now I don't do whatever I want. Just a considerable amount of it. That's completely different.

... They all... they all died? [You were really serious when you said that? Seriously? Because you seemed awful chipper D8]


freeglub February 8 2011, 16:09:30 UTC
My blood's T)(IS color!
We all type wit)( our blood color!
-Except for Karkat, since )(e likes being a BIG MYSTERY SQUID.

As for everyone else, yea)(.
T)(ere are only 12 of us left! 38(


wolfcharger February 8 2011, 16:26:18 UTC
... But why? Ugh, never mind, I'll never get it.


... What happened to the rest of them?


freeglub February 8 2011, 16:33:24 UTC
If t)(e meteors didn't )(ook 'em, t)(e Vast Glub did. 38/


wolfcharger February 8 2011, 16:34:37 UTC
[... Ah...]

All of them are...

[That's a lot worse than what happened to her D8]

How can you be so calm about it?


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