May 14, 2009 22:41
... In, you know, over fifty days. I'll be home on the 8th of July, in time for Suman's wedding (so no changing the date now, Suman!). It's a shame Benn can't come, but RBC won't let him off in the middle of the summer (hence the bizarre March/April vacation that we took). We bought the plane tickets yesterday. Thanks to what will forever be known as the Zoom-Gatwick fiasco last year, we had enough West Jet credit to fly me there and back, minus forty bucks or so.
I'm so excited to go home. Don't get me wrong. I'm not sorry I moved out here. This job is worth it, and the mountains... I assure you, the mountains make up for a LOT.
A lot a lot.
If you haven't been out here, you can't imagine, and if you have been out here, you've probably partially forgotten. It's the kind of thing that the brain just can't quite remember in its entirety, and pictures can't capture. I go "wow" inside whenever I take my dog for a walk or get in the car.
That being said, I am bloody homesick.
So, as my tribute to my excitement to be heading back to the East Coast, if only for a week, I am going to start posting something I miss about the maritimes. They'll be in no particular order, just as they occur to me. I'll aim for one a day, but I may miss the occasional day now and then because, you know, I'm human and stuff.
To those West Coasters reading this on Facebook, I'll try and post something nice about BC every now and then to make up for it :p
To start things off, today:
1. Dooly's.
I know, right? Random thing to miss. But there are very few pool halls out here, and Benn and I have not yet found one that falls in the "comfortably casual" range. They seem to fall in the "skeezy and cheap, where no normal middle class person goes" category. One time Benn found one online that was relatively near us and sounded not too sleazy. We got there - it was shut down. WTF? Where are all the pool halls??
It's not that I love playing pool so much. But it's something to keep your hands busy and people socializing while you have a few drinks together. You know, it's something to DO while out for a couple drinks, instead of sitting in a bar trying to shout a conversation.
... Not that anyone has suggested THAT either, out here. Everyone wants to go for sushi instead. Not the Sackville Underground Society of Housebroken Improvisers kind; the raw fish kind. Yeah.
Seriously peoples - cherish your Dooly's!
missing the maritimes