The start of Admiration

Dec 10, 2009 23:00

So, tonight, I watched a friend of mine (I'd like to think of him as a friend) bucktowntiger perform on Ustream. His first song of the night was Carol of the Bells, which is my favorite Christmas song. I was cheerfully bouncing in place the entire song because he played it. This got me thinking about the song, and how I first got to liking the song, and I figured I'd share it with all you out there, and so Bucktown might understand my obsession a bit. :)

Anyway, back in high school, freshman year, my new English/Drama teacher (hired that same year, about two months before Christmas) decided to take some of his students to see a play down in the LA/OC area (I lived further north in Cali at the time), and to make it more interesting, he also arranged for us to see a live performance of different Christmas songs, each done in different and interesting ways.

I've never been overly obsessed with Christmas songs in general, but I like music as a whole, so I quietly listened and enjoyed. And then a group of people walked in, each carrying two silver bells, no two bells the same size. I had no idea what was going on, I'd never heard the song before. I was intrigued, so I sat forward, full attention, watching and waiting for what would come.

What followed wasn't just music. I'd heard music before, and that wasn't it. It was the very soul of the season. It was many, many singles coming together in beautiful harmony. I could hear the essence of completion in every ring of the bell. It was, quite simply, an audio orgasm.

Since that moment, I have loved Carol of the Bells, and it always reminds me of how many single notes can make the most beautiful melody.
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