oh gawd I've been robbed!

May 22, 2010 12:11

of my sanity! XD


seriously, I found out my camera disables mirror lock up if you're going to be shooting. The mirror lockup function only serves for camera cleaning, which is disappointing. I was robbed of a function I wanted to try in night time photography. However, the longest exposure time available provides sufficient time to capture enough light to make an image. There's the bulb function, but that's useless to me because I would have to hold the shutter release button down, and I have yet to figure out how to use with via remote.

In any case, I had a lot of fun playing with my camera near the airport. It's funny, I had the intention a couple days ago to grab some shots of airplanes landing at night to see how the light trails looked. Then I happened to have found some photos online and kinda ruined the surprise for myself. At the same time, it made me more excited to try it out anyway.

this was shot in the pitch black night by the way. you can see the info on my picasa

a couple pointers:
1. I forgot to put focus on manual, and missed a shot because the lens motor was attempting to find something to focus on (in pitch black dark) the whole time. So focus manually!
2. bug spray.
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