Stay away from and affiliated hosting companies.
Plain and simple: they will screw you over.
They have a website full of false and misleading information:
- "At Centriohost we understand that our customers' websites are mission-critical." - by not providing a way to transfer a site without extensive downtime, they have shown to not understand this.
- "We manage, own and operate our entire network and all of our equipment." - A blatant lie because they use rented dedicated servers they they don't own nor operate; merely remotely manage. (in my case the assigned webserver belongs to iWeb)
- "We believe that our success is due to our profound technical expertise and unmatched quality of customer care." - This would mean actually listening to what I say in my support tickets and working with me to come to a solution, and understanding that any downtime is unacceptable for a business website that receives continuous traffic. It would also mean not trying to force me jumping through unnecessary technical hoops to satisfy their scripts or settings.
- "You can depend on premium bandwidth" - A quick metering of their server showed me a latency of about half a second for HTTP traffic. That's not in any way "premium". Although it's probably because of them over-selling capacity on their servers.
- They want to enforce that you use their DNS servers (with a very limited zone editor not supporting anything beyond A, CNAME and TXT)
- They ask you to break a working production setup to be able to create addon domains (virtual hosts), because their script check demands your DNS addresses point to their server BEFORE setting it up. That's unacceptable for any business.
- They refuse to make good on their 30-day money back guarantee if you are unhappy for any valid reason (while they claim you can "depend on" it)
- Their tech support responds with one-liners and form replies (while they claim to have "best customer support")
They are also generally unpleasant when asking for cancellation and the refund for valid reasons, and will find any lame excuse to not grant it. They also "conveniently" removed any and all tickets related to my account, including the cancellation request, from their ticket system (I did make a local copy/screen grab). They just today suspended my account (after 2 days and AFTER I had requested cancellation) with a reason "abuse on server" no doubt to try and find a real valid reason to deny me my refund. unfortunately a little too late for them since I am no longer actively using their hosting space.
I've filed a complaint with Paypal to get my money back through them, instead.