(no subject)

Jul 02, 2008 18:50


Adding to the list of things that I have done that I wouldn't recommend:

-cleaning the oven hood at Domino's. While the bottom oven is still on.

Some of the other ones (mostly accidental) would include:

-stepping on a rusty nail.
-getting my face sliced open in various ways by various things (lip, brow, etc.)
-trying to stop a slamming door with one finger (and nearly completely severing it in the process).
-spending an entire concert (including opening bands) with no earplugs.
-climbing up a cliff-face on slimy log-type ladders with a heavy pack on.
-setting a trenchcoat (or other valuable clothing) down in the dark while people are using fireworks.
-playing with a can of Lysol and matches while indoors and/or near inflammable objects.
-trying to bake brownies while the oven insists on being in its "auto self-clean" mode.
-throwing a cat.
-accidentally insulting someone else's compilation of home videos... (was confused about that at first)
-belly-flopping off the high-dive.
-nearly drowning. More than once.
-vomiting in bed.
-vomiting *everything* up, including small amounts of water, etc., for an entire night.
-stuffing oneself full to the brink with pizza, and *then* having a big bowl of ice cream and *then* having a very tall glass of milk to fill in the cracks (not related to the vomiting incident, oddly enough).
-moving to Kitsap with nothing but shorts, t-shirts, and a broken windbreaker for available clothing.
-working a 14+ hour shift of strictly labor (though really, it doesn't matter what you're doing).
-sheathing a katana backwards (in the traditional technique of using your finger to guide *what would have been* the safe side of the blade....)
-using the phrases "O yes, I play the piano" and "O no, I wouldn't mind," especially around Christmas time (I don't think most people know quite how that would feel, though...)
-believing that a relationship isn't *really* over, or that it could get started again someday... (NO. Just, NO.)
-being under-studied and unprepared enough to be forced to leave a third of the *comprehensive* final exam blank.
-walking 12 miles to school for a class you missed and a class that was cancelled. In really uncomfortable boots, now that I think about it.
-nearly fainting from heat exhaustion because it's a hot day in the California, and *you* decided to wear a coat.
-purposely missing a very important deadline...
-being with such a crowd using fireworks that a bottle-rocket flies just past my head before detonating.
-being in such a circumstance that the mortar firework you just lit went up only a few feet (8-10, I'm guessing) before detonating...

Jeez, I feel stupid now. None of these are things I would recommend if you can help it. Of course, there is also a list of things other people have done that I would never do, not the least of which is (also includes accidents):

-getting one's leg sliced open by rebar (whether it's sharp or not; I don't think that matters)(I think the leg is one of the few parts I *haven't* sliced open like that)
-trying to lie to parental units (well, anyone, really) when they are already informed to the contrary (lying in general, really. Not exactly my thing).
-riding on *top* of a car for any amount of time.
-drinking/smoking/doing any form of drugs. Also, being drunk/high/somehow wasted or beyond means of normal comprehension and computation. But not for those reasons exclusively.
-cheating on someone, or causing someone else to cheat on someone (also a big no-no).
-Anorexia, bulimia, *any* binging, or any other eating disorder (surprisingly prevalent, too...)
-Gambling (also stupid. If I wanted to throw my money at flashing lights, I'd go buy a big-screen tv).

I think that'll cover that for now.

O yeah, and if you use fireworks, do it *safely* and *responsibly*.

More about other stuff later.
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