I've actually made four classic horror wallpapers recently, but the other two are entries for the "Halloween" theme in a challenge, so I won't be able to post them until the end of the month. In the meantime, here are Lon Chaney Jr. and Evelyn Ankers in The Wolf Man, and Bela Lugosi in Black Friday.
(For those unacquainted with the 1940 Boris Karloff-Bela Lugosi film
Black Friday, I highly recommend it. It's classic horror meets gangster movie, with Karloff in familiar territory as a brain-swapping scientist, and Lugosi branching out as a mobster--although frankly, both of them are fairly well upstaged by Stanley Ridges as the mild-mannered professor who Karloff gives the brain of a slain crime boss. I've been a proponent of little-known character actor Ridges ever since I first saw this film, all of fourteen years ago.)