A Game of Chess is another Bogart wallpaper, or rather a Casablanca Rick&Louis item. Now, other than having the effect of a nicely vintage newspaper scan, this one probably doesn't look like much--unless you realize what wasn't in the original picture. (Here's a hint: it was inspired by one of
beloved_tree's icons.) This is my first halfway decent attempt at such an insertion, and it's still far from perfect, but let's see what the rest of you think. I hope it's at least good for a chuckle.
In related news, most of my other Bogart pieces have gone up at the
Humphrey Bogart fanlisting. I'll be offering them any subsequent ones as well, including that latest item and the Return of Doctor X number.
Then there's
God Bless America. No, it's not Independence Day--it's just me finally achieving my ambition of creating a really patriotic Cagney wallpaper. Prodigious thanks to
roses_for_ann for scanning a thoroughly Adorable picture from Yankee Doodle Dandy.