NCIS ::: Set Me Free CH 7 & 8

Jun 10, 2012 16:32

Chapter 7: Linkin Park : Iridescent
CH 7 Linkin Park "Iridescent"

Set Me Free

BY: Wolfa Moon

SUMMARY: It hasn't always been this way for DiNozzo. He remembered brighter days. Before the dark ones came Stole his mind and wrapped my souls in chains

DISCLAIMER: No own. Just passing through. Own none of the music but I love it.

You were standing in the wake of devastation
And you were waiting on the edge of the unknown
And with the cataclysm raining down
Insides crying "Save me now"
You were there, impossibly alone


He had nicked the suits. The tie more like a hang noose. A loose fitting long sleeve shirt. Denim jeans. The stitches itching like crazy. Thank god his bruises had finally faded. Looking normal. Well as normal as anyone looked. Standing on the beach around the lake he dug his toes into the sand. He had to go back. Tony is apart of him as much as he wants to deny but he wouldn't take the abuse any longer. He is the better man. One more strike and he is gone. Figure out that this has all been a con and just like, Keyser Soze, Poof gone. Taking in the open air. Gathering his courage. Throwing away the shield. Letting himself sink in. Relax, breath…

His safe haven becoming heaven on earth. Frightened about falling. Back to earth

"Tony!" opening his eyes he turns to the cabin. Jackson is waving to him. Time for lunch or dinner. Time for something new. One last day.


Jackson didn't know to be jumping for joy about retuning home or frightened. Scared for who is going to hurt his grandson, again. Wary of what his son is going to do. Will he reconcile or push his family away. Looking over at Ducky who had become an understanding brother. A great retreat together. Seeing why people bonded with Tony. But seeing beyond that. The small child who just wanted attention. To be praised. His first place science project meaning something. Anything.

The young boy making his way toward the humble abode.


Dinner was a pleasant affair. And with the night slowly approaching only leaving a few weaning hours of sun. One last time to let it go before he had to go back. Climbing up to the overhanging rocks around the lake he climbs. Higher than he has ever before. Strength returning to him. True there are sore spots but they can be looked over at this moment. Higher and higher into the unknown. Fro he is going to be the unknown again. Territory he knew. But his once fellow agents never taking the time. But that is the past. He had to move on. Reaching the top of the cliff. Looking down at the water. A long jump.

Hell he is about to take one with people why not his life. Letting the fading sun warm him. He spreads his arms out. One leap. Having jumped through hoops all his life. What is one straight jump down?

All will be different when he gets out of the water. If he survives. Taking one last gander around his territory. His solace.

What did he have to loose after what he has gained.

He jumps.


Jackson and Ducky almost have a heart attack when he takes his leap. Yet they can do nothing about it. They would do anything for Tony. But they saw his face. It looked so free. He had let whatever was bugging him go. Looking to one another they new he was ready to go back.


Tony put his belonging in their proper place around his apartment. The apartment seeming like a cage. Looking around at the cell he made another decision besides just going back. He is going to move to a pace that called to him. His true self. Someplace high with a view.

Jackson had taken them to his place first where he said his good-byes and promising to come back and call if anything went wrong. Hugging him close to his chest. Unsure if he should let Tony go back without backup. Yet Tony assured him of this wonderful thing called speed dial or there was always the bike.

Walking into his living room he noticed the shelves containing many dimensions of escape. All on disk format. Adventures yearn to experience but contained in a box on a shelf. Moving over he browsed. Looking them over he felt caged but then remembered. He can do anything. Still a couple of hours to kill before work.


Putting on his leather gloves he let the second skin flex with his body. His well worn leather racing jacket moving with him. Then for safety putting on his helmet. He didn't have a death wish, not anymore. He had a knew path before him. Letting it all go at the cabin. Then coming back to see if they accepted the true Tony unlike the frat boy lovable all round guy that they some what knew.

Revving up the engine he could care less. Linking his ear bud with his iPhone. Putting on his stress relief mix. Finishing it off where he last stop playing it. Nodding to the music he took it in. letting it soak in. Time to break some road rules. Not to escape. Just for fun. Finally for fun.

Let it go
Let it go
Let it go
Let it go

Do you feel cold and lost in desperation?
You build up hope, but failure's all you've known
Remember all the sadness and frustration
And let it go. Let it go

A/N: Computer died on me. Enjoy! Reviews feed the Muse.

Chapter 8: Please Don't Go : Barcelona
CH 8 "Please Don't Go" Barcelona


BY: Wolfa Moon

All those arrows you threw, you threw them away
You kept falling in love, then one day
When you fell, you fell towards me
When you crashed in the clouds, you found me

Gibbs took in the ruins of his latest boat. Tony had helped him sand, build parts of it. Remembering how he had did it with a smile on his face. How many of those smiles were fake? How many times had he let his protégé down? Sinking to the ground he sits among the ruins he created.

Where had it all gone wrong? Closing his eyes he tries to remember when he was losing the man he knew. To be replaced by the jock facade. The thing is. He couldn't remember. Tony had always played the dumb jock part up. Making sure appearances were everything. But that is all they were. A mask to cover up the truth. Dinozzo is one hell of an undercover agent. Just look at how good he has done in the past. Squeezing his eyes tighter. Hoping for a future.

Oh, please don't go
I want you so
I can't let go
For I lose control

Standing up he takes a broom. Going over all the words he has said. Action untaken. Actions taken. The look on his face when he simply told him, 'you'll do'. Breaking the poor boy. Taking his mountain and quaking it to rubble.

Would Tony come back and let him try to rebuild what he thought they once had. Did they ever have anything? Looking at the pieces that once fit so perfectly together. Sure they fit but if he tried to put them together again. They would never truly fit the same way again. And that scares Gibbs. How could he have not seen? So many questions not enough answers. He would have to be patient for those answers.

Picking up a broom he looks at the mess he has created. It would take some time to clean it up. Some pieces could be saved for another attempt. Others had to be scrapped. Life is building a boat. It can save a life or take one far away from your problems. On to new horizons.

Breaking the boat he knew he was preventing the journey from continuing. Stopping him from leaving. Giving him time to be redeemed.

Get these left handed lovers out of your way
They look hopeful but you, you should not stay
If you want me to break down and give you the keys
I can do that but I can't let you leave

The mess cleaned up he headed upstairs. Looking down at the empty room. So empty. He would attempt another boat again. Fill up the space. He had time. So he hoped. Not planning to die anytime soon. Yet no one truly does plan that. Sure certain events. To time, to fill it up a little. And to time to finish.

Thinking of Tony he turns off the lights. Would the man he considered himself close to let him. Did the boy, man, not know what he means. Sure he is a bastard. But he had to at least show some praise.

Head slaps aside. Tough love. He had screwed up so much in his life. Yet this one. This one who had stayed the longest. Never running away. Remaining by his side. Fighting to belong. Tony had fought so hard, one-sided. Gibbs walks into the living room where they once shared a silent dinner. Silent, no words. Never thinking he ever had to say anything. Silence held so much. And also told you nothing.

Oh, please don't go
I want you so
I can't let go
For I lose control

He would listen. He had to. For he wanted to know the Tony that smiled. The Tony who knew movies like bedtime stories. Tony who found comfort in his father, Gibb's father. A man who is a riddle with a tale right down the middle.

He has to open his eyes.

Taking in the room. So silent yet talking walls. So many things lost. So much more to come. To fill up a room.

AN: Got my computer back and memory restored, WAHOO!

Please enjoy Reviews are love.

ncis, set me free, family, l. gibbs, hurt/comfort, t. dinozzo

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