ADMIN POST: Welcome to wolf_tickets!

Apr 30, 2007 12:23

Hello, and welcome to wolf_tickets!

...possibly you are now wondering a) what the hell is wolf_tickets and b) how drunk was I when I joined this comm, because I don't remember it?

Not to worry! wolf_tickets is the David/Colby community formerly known as davidxcolby_luv, now with a new mod (me)! and with a new name (wolf_tickets)! If you don't know why we're called wolf_tickets, you are hereby ordered to go watch episode 2x01, "Judgment Call" again. All of it. Even the Grizzly Adams math-flash and the parts with Nadine. Or you could check out our userinfo for a recap. *g*

So this is just a post to let you know that after a brief hiatus and a change in management, your David/Colby community is back in action, ready and waiting for you to post your fic, art, vids, screencaps, episode reactions, or general squee! Just don't try to sell anybody wolf tickets.


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