As promised...

Jul 14, 2003 10:55

Saturday morning, my band performed. We were kind of bitching about being on so early, but in the end, it paid off because 1)it was cooler, 2)we got more playing time, 3)people hadn't screwed up the audio equipment. We did really well and we even had a fiddle player from another band sit in and play with us. She was really awesome and showed interest in playing with us on a regular basis. We're going to try to get her to be our back-up fiddler when Sarah can't make a gig. After the gig, I met up with Nicole and Angela to walk around before the Prodigals were supposed to perform. They were great (as always) and afterwards, I ended up talking with them for a few. The bassist was really interested in my new tattoo and was sorry that he had missed us performing (I was glad they didn't get the e mail in time as I would have messed up more than I already did). We then gathered the band together and went over to my parents' house for a BBQ. (Brace yourself: I cooked)

After the BBQ, and most of the band was going back to WY, Terry, Nicole and I went back to the festival to walk around some more and to see the Prodigals' evening concert. (The really cool thing about playing at this festival - we got badges and we could wander wherever we wanted to, including the musician's tent where there was a lot of small sessions going on) The evening concert ROCKED as they played about 2 hours and people were up and dancing and having a really good time. Angela, Nicole and I even danced a little...stood off to the side, of course.

Sunday. I got up early for the Feis and then waited around in the sun for 2 hours because they were behind. Apparently, not doing the feis last month worked because I danced really well, especially in my soft shoe dances. Hardshoe was a different story, but I don't care. I ended up getting:
2nd place in my Novice Reel (I've never placed that high! Woo!)
3rd place in my Novice Light Jig
4th place in my Novice Slip Jig
1st place in my Prizewinner Single Jig (Another woo!)
no place in my Prizewinner Double Jig (Bummer...thought I did better)
3rd place in my Prizewinner Hornpipe (I was doing so freaking well and then I hit an uneven part in the stage and twisted my ankle. I recovered, but it wasn't enough and it hurt)
no place in my Novice Traditional set (Not surprising because I blanked out on the steps and my foot was throbbing by then)
1st place trophy for my Irish Music (Played my recorder)
...Definitely not a bad Feis!

After the competitions, Terry and I booked it over to see The Prodigals again. We met up with Angela and her friend. During the show, Angela and I had to get up and move around because we were too hyper. We ended up dancing waaaaaay off to the side of the stage, just for fun. Next think we knew, the audience was cheering us on and the bassist for the Prodigals was signaling us to dance at the front of the stage. We did (the band even lengthened their jig set so we could finish our entire dance...much to my chagrin...thanks guys), and the audience was cheering lots (god knows why, I wasn't dancing very well and couldn't keep up with Angela, who's the best dancer in our class at Wick). After they got done with that song, Gregory hocked a thong towards us, which we ended up doing very odd things with for the rest of the gig (it was a merch product, so it was new...don't worry). A few songs later, Gregory runs up to us and asks us to dance onstage with them during their reel...their We did, but man, if there was any other Irish dancers in the audience, we probably looked like a bunch of idiots! Regardless, it was a very AWESOME experience dancing with the Prodigals and I was squeeling the entire way home last night. (Though Terry had to give me a piggy-back ride to the car as I literally couldn't walk on the uneven grass with my ankle and being stupid and dancing on the thing so much after I hurt it).

So that was mine, how was yours?

celtic festivals, prodigals, dance, band

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