Jun 21, 2003 03:21

OK, you people are going to get reeeeeaaaaally sick of my constant yapping about the Irish Festival, but dammit I'm looking forward to there! :P Looked on their web site, The Prodigals are performing both days of the Fest, so there's a good chance they'll be there when my band performs. I haven't decided if this is a good thing or a bad thing yet. Mostly because compared to them, Irish Music-wise, we...heh...suck. Actually, I'm sure compared to all of the main-stage bands, we suck, but that's beside the point. On one hand, I really want to e mail them and say something like, "Hey, I've cheered you on (and knew all the words to your songs before anyone in CO had even heard of you) for the last few years...wanna cheer us on?" or something like that. On the other hand, I don't want them anywhere near the stage when I'm performing because I know I'll choke, and that would be so very humiliating. ACK!!!!!!

With that out of my system... I talked to Scott tonight. Matt offered him the job of PA for my show! Scott accepted, however he has an interview with a company in LA on Monday, so he's still stalling until he finds out if he got that job or not. I'm excited that there's the possibility that Scott may be moving back into town soon! It's going to be somewhat interesting to see how well he takes to me being his boss, though... It's always been the other way around when I've worked with him. We'll see.

Tonight, Shannon and I went over to Yoda's new apartment. It's really nice, he's got a lot of unpacking to do still, though. We ended up getting really hyper and decided to hang out on the balcony for a few. While we were out there, the guys across the way were having a party and were on their balcony. They started giving Yoda a hard time about having two girls there and not doing anything about it. Heh. That was our cue (never tempt people who were thespians in HS). We waited a few minutes and then rigged the lamp in Yoda's room so it cast a nice light onto the window curtains. Then for the next 1/2 hour, proceeded to "enhance the imagination" of the boys across the way with our shadows. Shannon and I took turns doing a "strip show", Yoda kept doing scenes where one of us would walk by and he'd turn sideways with his sword...up...Shannon and I even put on a quasi-lesbian show. All the while, listening to these drunk guys try and be quiet about the fact that they were watching the whole thing. Good times.

Gah...I really should sleep. Dance class isn't going to be fun tomorrow on so few hours of sleep.

friends, celtic festivals

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