Interviewed by keltgrrl

Jun 10, 2003 11:22

1. Why did you start dancing?
I'm what they call a "Riverdancer", meaning someone who got into it after the whole Riverdance-fever thing started. I saw the show on PBS (when it first aired) and found I had a strong draw to that type of dance. I actually got into a school after I had broken up with "Psycho", as he wouldn't let me and wanted me to take Hap Ki Do instead. I did it as kind of an internal liberation/realization that he didn't have control of me anymore.

2. What is your favorite dance?
In Irish dancing? Probably the Reel for softshoe (although I never seem to do it well in a Feis) and the Slow Treble Jig for hardshoe.

3. If you weren't being and editor, what would you like to do?
Hmmmm. I'd still like to be a movie critic. Can't beat getting paid to sit in an air-conditioned room and bitch about something you never worked on yourself.

4. What's your favorite kind of cake?
Does Tiremasu count? If not, ice cream cake.

5. Are you getting excited for us to come out?
Hell yeah!!!!


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